Anonymous ID: 133712 July 20, 2024, 10:09 a.m. No.21253066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3151 >>3290





This is fucking stupid, because, even according to his own interview, they can just claim that it's a case of identity theft and still not let you vote. Then you have to call the Sheriff. Think the Sheriff's going to come right away, if at all? Especially if he's getting a lot of calls?


The end result will be that you have an unused mail-in ballot, and you still didn't get to cast your vote in-person before the polls closed…you know, while you were waiting for the Sheriff. But hey, you can sue later, I guess.


Look, just fucking mail in the ballot if you request it. Or, don't request it and show up in-person at the polls. For fuck's sake, forget all the games and JUST VOTE.


Here's part of the the interview that talks about it:


"When you go in to vote and if they say to you, 'you've already voted', you pull it out and say, 'no, I haven't.' You haven't.


It's called identity theft then. You can call your local sheriff."

Anonymous ID: 133712 July 20, 2024, 10:45 a.m. No.21253246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3351



So, you just handed over an unshredded, unfilled-out ballot to a poll worker? One that they could later fill in as they pleased? You didn't even rip it up first? Isn't that the very potential for fraud you were trying to stop in the first place?


And yes, I understand what "the idea is." What I'm saying is that people seem to be glossing over what happens if the poll worker doesn't accept that you came by that mail-in ballot honestly. If they claim that it could be a case of theft/identity-theft, they can still stop you from voting. Even Lindell noted that could happen. And what's his solution? He just breezily says "call the sheriff." Well, fat fucking lot of good that will do on election day. The Sheriff won't show, or if he does, he won't show before the polls close.


But by all means, go ahead and do it. If you're the type to just hand over a blank, unshredded ballot that someone else can use once your back is turned, you're not exactly going to be my role model in this.

Anonymous ID: 133712 July 20, 2024, 11:09 a.m. No.21253383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3399

Really, Baker? You use my post number in notables to say that Lindell explains a "good" voting strategy, even though the post specifically explains why it's NOT a good voting strategy? Fuck off.

Anonymous ID: 133712 July 20, 2024, 11:44 a.m. No.21253593   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So you're going to "tear it up myself after I vote and they wouldn't get the torn ballot. "


Sigh. I don't know what state you're voting in, so maybe they do things differently there. But what are the odds that they're just going to let you walk to the voting booth without first handing over that unused mail-in ballot?


And this: "My CA county went 73% for Trump, for whatever that's worth."

It's worth nothing. It has no bearing on this discussion at all. What do you want…a pat on the head?


And your Sheriff is a freemason? Again, what the fuck does that have to do with this conversation?


Let me lay it out for you in 3 simple bullets:


  • You get a mail-in ballot and bring it to the polls with you


  • Poll worker claims you stole it and maybe committed other identity theft in the process


  • You don't get to vote


Everything else you're talking about is just noise.

Anonymous ID: 133712 July 20, 2024, 11:55 a.m. No.21253661   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Sorry for double post…bad link)




So you're going to "tear it up myself after I vote and they wouldn't get the torn ballot. "


Sigh. I don't know what state you're voting in, so maybe they do things differently there. But what are the odds that they're just going to let you walk to the voting booth without first handing over that unused mail-in ballot?


And this: "My CA county went 73% for Trump, for whatever that's worth."


It's worth nothing. It has no bearing on this discussion at all. What do you want…a pat on the head?


And your Sheriff is a freemason? Again, what the fuck does that have to do with this conversation?


Let me lay it out for you in 3 simple bullets:


  • You get a mail-in ballot and bring it to the polls with you


  • Poll worker claims you stole it and maybe committed other identity theft in the process


  • You don't get to vote


Everything else you're talking about is just noise.