This is the wrong place for therapy.
Just "wipe" it from your mind.
Well one thing I noticed, when Bidet gave his speech after the attack on Trump, he seemed more lucid than normal. Probably because he knew they fucked up and needed to pull it back. No time for corrupt theatrics when the bombs are coming in hot and heavy.
Kek. Yes, be careful what you wish for.
What about the WOPS? They in on it too.
Several criminal organizations are based loosely on ethnicity. Mexican mafia. Italian mafia. Jewish mafia. Etc, etc. It's not the ethnicity that's the problem, it's the criminal behavior that's the problem.
You can talk about it all you want. Just get your facts straight. It's not ALL Jews. It's the CRIMINAL Jews. Just like the criminal Italians, Mexicans, Irish, whatever. Get around that one if you can shill.
Saw some old hippie slags earlier today with signs saying free Palestine. Stupid cunts obviously don't know their history. Palestine is not now, nor has it ever been a "country." It was a renamed Roman province. It used to be called, JUDEA.
Knock yourself out Adolph. Don't care. You hate Jews just because you want to. I hate criminals regardless of their ethnicity.
I must have Italian tires. Dey go wop wop wop as I drive down the road.
Kek. Suuurrre they are. Just like ALL Italians are part of the Italian criminal mafia right?
IP hopping are ya?
Your hate oozes from your pores.
Remember when the Dems stole an election? Still want to throw stones?
The muh Joo shills seem….irritated. Oh darn.
Looks like the shills are attempting to get anons to move to another site AGAIN. They've tried that little trick since the beginning. Q made it very clear in one of his drops,
Anyone who attempts it, is suspect, and is basically a division shill.
Yeah, that's it. Couldn't remember exactly.
I'm not a hero, I'm just an anon doing an anon job.
Why don't you just say the criminals did it? That pretty much covers ALL the criminals regardless of anything else.