I miss telegraph wires STOP
A cool negro boy used to deliverr me my messages STOP
He also would give me some reefer FULL STOP
I miss telegraph wires STOP
A cool negro boy used to deliverr me my messages STOP
He also would give me some reefer FULL STOP
Jewish space lasers
Moar Doug Mills photos of Trump
Hussein's aids test
Military standing by, hun
The general's just got to put on his heels
And the admiral has to finish his treatise on the evils of white skin
But the corporal is already on the parade ground.
Can't miss her, she's bleeding from the on base abortion she just had.
>Can't keep the stories straight for the patsy
Every deep state operation is designed with a confusing story and a plethora of inconsistencies. These "facts" are disseminated after the termination of the operation. This prevents the truth of the operation from ever been know. It's important that the story has many contradictions and "facts" that stretch credulity.
A new inconsistency and distortion should be introduced everyday, sometimes multiple in one day. This will fatigue the public and more importantly fatigue anyone who is looking for the truth. Once the zone has been flooded with so many falsehoods, eventually even the most dedicated investigators will throw up their hands in disgust and fins something else to investigate.