Anonymous ID: 550761 July 21, 2024, 9:11 a.m. No.21259330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9335

Dark to Light

Godfather 3

Cleaning house



The CIA ( born in the days right after WW2 ) has become a most invasive and rogue agency.

Someone at the tippy top has decided to confess their sins, clean out their house (making it ready for the Lord?)


There’s a thousand layers of more, and we were told we’d see 20% of it. The rest is too damaging to foreign heads.


All the SAPs and covert ops haven’t been classified (protected) and covert for quite some time (yeaaaaars)

Everyone has been trying to cover their own ass, running from blackmail, garnering more blackmail, just so they can live to see another day.


It’s made everything so bloody. A Bloody Wonderland.


We can’t evolve as a civilization until we can fix fhose problems.

What does a Brave New world really entail for us?

If we believe computers are watching our every move, how does that dictate our actions and behavior?

If we believe God is watching our every move, how does that dictate our actions and behavior?

How does one domino affect all the others nearby? If you’re too far apart…?

Anonymous ID: 550761 July 21, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.21259488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9500 >>9503



"Aryans" is a term used in various contexts:


  1. Ancient Indo-Iranians: Originally, it referred to people who spoke Indo-Iranian languages in ancient Iran, Afghanistan, and India. The term meant "noble" in Sanskrit and Old Persian.


  1. Linguistic Group: In the 19th century, scholars used "Aryan" to describe speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language, a linguistic, not racial, classification.


  1. Nazi Ideology: The Nazis misused "Aryan" to promote a false notion of a Northern European "master race," a concept now discredited.


  1. Modern Misuse: Some white supremacist groups continue to misuse the term for racist ideologies.


Understanding the historical origins helps to separate the term's original meaning from its later misuses.


BO: can we use “markdown” instead of whatever the asterisk and the equals are? Is there a reason no?

Anonymous ID: 550761 July 21, 2024, 9:48 a.m. No.21259552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9590



Because anything between two * gets censored, it’s stupid parsing by the board software. It would make it bold text on literally any other forum.

ChatGPT adds markdown, this is how this board interprets it /facepalm.

Anonymous ID: 550761 July 21, 2024, 10:02 a.m. No.21259639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9662


Clearly, you don’t understand how it works. Why are you here if not to do RESEARCH?

Do you think Q didn’t know about AI? That it never factored into “the plan”?


Try some prompts, if you’re intelligent enough to think for yourself.


Otherwise, here’s a few:

>I want to explore some wild theories. We aren’t expecting evidence, or hinging our thoughts on widely accepted beliefs. We’re going to discuss God, Satan, and the Catholic Church


> Let’s add the Jews and Jesus to the discussion


> I want to explore the Great Delusion


Ask it in order, and you’ll receive points of view you do not inherently possess.


Expand your thinking

“Expand on the Vatican’s secrets”

Who has No Such Agency?

Who has no [personal] agency ?

Anonymous ID: 550761 July 21, 2024, 10:25 a.m. No.21259767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guardians of the pope

“The Red Cross”

🇨🇭 [think mirror/invert]


> How does the Vatican remain protected?


  1. The Vatican City is a sovereign state, officially recognized by international law through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. This treaty established Vatican City as an independent entity, separate from Italy, and grants it the rights and protections afforded to sovereign states.


  1. The Vatican maintains neutrality in international conflicts, which helps it avoid direct involvement in geopolitical disputes. This neutrality allows it to act as a mediator and peace facilitator, contributing to its protection.


  1. The Holy See has extensive diplomatic relations with countries around the world. It maintains embassies and diplomatic missions that help safeguard its interests and ensure its security through international cooperation and support.


  1. The Swiss Guard is a small, elite military unit responsible for the personal security of the Pope and the protection of Vatican City. They have been serving as the Vatican’s protectors since the early 16th century.


  1. Modern security measures are in place, including surveillance systems, controlled access points, and coordination with Italian law enforcement agencies. The Vatican works closely with Italian authorities to ensure the safety and security of its territory.


  1. The Vatican’s historical influence and its role as the spiritual center of the Roman Catholic Church provide a level of protection through its global network of followers and supporters. This influence can deter potential threats and garner international support.


  1. The Vatican’s immense cultural and religious significance also offers protection, as the respect and reverence of millions of Catholics worldwide may rally in defense of the institution if threatened.