Dark to Light
Godfather 3
Cleaning house
The CIA ( born in the days right after WW2 ) has become a most invasive and rogue agency.
Someone at the tippy top has decided to confess their sins, clean out their house (making it ready for the Lord?)
There’s a thousand layers of more, and we were told we’d see 20% of it. The rest is too damaging to foreign heads.
All the SAPs and covert ops haven’t been classified (protected) and covert for quite some time (yeaaaaars)
Everyone has been trying to cover their own ass, running from blackmail, garnering more blackmail, just so they can live to see another day.
It’s made everything so bloody. A Bloody Wonderland.
We can’t evolve as a civilization until we can fix fhose problems.
What does a Brave New world really entail for us?
If we believe computers are watching our every move, how does that dictate our actions and behavior?
If we believe God is watching our every move, how does that dictate our actions and behavior?
How does one domino affect all the others nearby? If you’re too far apart…?