If you want markdown for your formatting, you can go back to the place where markdown and spacing like that is used. Why should the board change just for you?
The little schizo is agitated today.
I got a kick out of the cigarette bobbing up and down. He was mouthing off the robber. That's some top kek right there.
Paid posting clown who runs an imitation routine of a single anon here. Nothing but a pile of acronyms and SmokingPepe hand-me-downs.
Sure he does, one post. The paid posting clown running an imitation routine of the Anon he hates exposed the patriot.
> Ruthlessly by the Code of Anon.
So you tried to help me by breaking your own code you tried to force on me? How is that code worth anything but to protect clowns like you and the masters that pay you. Not my fault you're a failure and spend moar time in imitation of a single individual than an entire ethnicity. You spam SmokingPepes moar than you do merchants now, but I suspect that's the intent.
He'll always feel like he's in second place if he's waiting for the next meme, turn of phrase, or filename to copy. Always.
You're the only one whining about fame, constantly since the MuhJoo global was added, and then you imitate the person you accuse of being a narcissist. You're the one shattering your own psyche. I'm just watching the fallout.
KEK. Broke his own code of conduct to try and create his own persona based upon the persona of someone he's trying to make comply to his code of conduct that he himself is breaking. You really can't make up stupidity or logical inconsistency like that without being fucked in the head in some form.
Yeah, except you started whining about personality in your first post. I'm just being myself. There's nothing here that I've said that I wouldn't say to someone IRL. Granted, some of it probably would require a few drinks first, but it's funny how the MuhJoo's dwindle to a trickle and whining about personality begins. Especially the personalities that stood up to the MuhJoo paid posting federal idiots. I'm sure that's just a coincidence and it's a whole new shill crew, right?
All the little ratbag satanists are proving here, with their imitation and attempts to smear the anons that stood up to them, showing exactly, EXACTLY, why in the past actors were thought of as less than prostitutes, why an ethnicity was kicked out of a country, a specific ethnicity they love to torment. They are showing everyone why that is with their behavior right now. They were hiding among actors and that ethnicity in the past, and still do.
How the fuck would I know, retard? I'm 2 hours away from the Rocky Mountains.
Later, retard.