why post chatGPT bullshit here? can you not think for yourself?
nonsense. chatgpt only works as a spam generator.
gun hidden onsite previously vs he brought in a backpack in parts and reassembled it
good luck getting a good zero after reassembly
he walked
he rode a bike
he drove the van
he drove mom's hyundai
dad called when the gun was missing vs the gun was already stashed
noticed that. if BV has hashes he knows the noter with the nightshift memes is VS
we have
wonder who signed it for him
2nd shooter whacked yearick from behind
3rd shooter from 488 yards whacked the 2nd shooter in the window who had to come forward and be visible to whack yearick after taking the djt ear shot
seems like. thought the crowd victims were directly behind djt not in the other stand.
what would disqualify all DNC candidates state or federal? a RICO case? a fraud case?
o the irony of a patsy shooter with ear gauges now