Anonymous ID: bfaab6 July 21, 2024, 9:06 a.m. No.21259291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9336 >>9538 >>9611 >>9698 >>9742 >>0085 >>0114

Activist Judge Says Nevada Can Keep Counting Ballots That Show Up After Election Day



A federal judge dismissed a challenge from the Republican National Committee (RNC) and former President Donald Trump’s campaign thatargued accepting mail-in ballots up to four days after Election Day is unconstitutional.


Chief U.S. District Judge Miranda Du dismissed the suit on standing after Nevada officials argued the RNC and Trump campaign did not prove the extended deadline created a disadvantage.


“The causal link between counting mail ballots received after Election Day in Nevada and Organizational Plaintiffs’alleged electoral injuries is too speculative to support standing,” Du ruled.


After President JoeBiden won Nevada in 2020 by 33,596 votes, the state legislature officially extended the deadline for whichcounties could accept mail-in ballots post-marked by Election Day to four days after Election Day. The statute is similar to a temporary pandemic-related measure that extended the mail-in ballot deadline to seven days post-election in 2020.It also permits ballots “whose date of postmark cannot be determined” to be accepted so long as they arrive before 5:00 p.m. on the third day after Election Day, according to the ruling.


The RNC and Trumpcampaign argued the extension “violates federal law” that establishes a uniform Election Day.


“The result of Nevada’s violation of federal law is that timely, valid ballots are diluted by untimely, invalid ballots, which violates the rights of candidates, campaigns, and voters under federal law,” the suit filed in May alleged.

Dilution of honest votes, to any degree, by the casting of fraudulent or illegitimate votes violates the right to vote,” it continues.


Republicans pointed to the inclination Democrats have toward using mail-in ballots in the state, noting in their suit that during the2020 general election, 60.3 percent of Democratic Nevada voters voted by mailcompared to just 36.9 percent of Republican voters.


Du, an Obama appointee, has a history of siding with leftist election priorities. During 2020, she permitted Fair Maps Nevada to continue collecting voter signatures to get a question on the ballot regarding the creation of a Nevada redistricting commission,despite the deadline having passed. Du argued the state stay-at-home order prevented Fair Maps Nevada from being able to collect the necessary signatures.


Although the measure did not ultimately make it on the ballot, if passed it “would have transferred the power todraw the state’s congressional and legislative districts from the state legislature to a seven-member independent redistricting commission,” according to Ballotpedia.Du also rejected a challenge from True the Vote in 2020which sought to prevent the state from having an all-mail primary election. Du argued the motion lacked standing and ruled that “protecting the health and safety of Nevada’s voters … in light of the COVID-19 pandemic” by using widespread mail balloting outweighed concerns about potential dilution of votes, according to The Nevada Independent. The group put forward an amended request but was again denied by Du.


Du also rejected a church’s motion for an emergency court order in May 2020 when they argued that the state’s 50-person limit on religious gatherings violated their First Amendment right.

Anonymous ID: bfaab6 July 21, 2024, 9:38 a.m. No.21259494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514

Why is this surprising to them?

Anonymous ID: bfaab6 July 21, 2024, 9:49 a.m. No.21259563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9698






Seriously sick people.

Anonymous ID: bfaab6 July 21, 2024, 10 a.m. No.21259626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9698

She, Joe & Mika are sick fucks


She also said: "Trump can't be allowed to be victim"

Anonymous ID: bfaab6 July 21, 2024, 10:22 a.m. No.21259756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9760 >>9766 >>9883


look at picture of Crook's hair and this guy's hair, not even close, Crooks is scraggly and thin and much lighter. This guy's hair looks a woman's hair dark brown, shiny and thick. This is not crooks, not even close.


The guy on the roof washes his hair, Crooks looks dirty, scraggly and his body is extremely gangly, and malnourished looking, the guy on the roof looks full bodied

Anonymous ID: bfaab6 July 21, 2024, 10:38 a.m. No.21259826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9832 >>0085 >>0114

Sen. Hawley Whistleblower: HSI, Not SS, Put in Charge of Butler, PA Security—Guess What HSI Was Doing on Jan. 6th

July 19, 2024 (2 days ago)1/2


Americans are demanding answers.


They want to know how it was so incredibly easy for a gunman to shoot President Trump and kill one of his innocent supporters. Clearly, there was at least a communication breakdown, and right now, we can’t rule anything out until we know more. Information is still coming in slowly. For instance, Senator Hawley has just revealed some disturbing details from a whistleblower about President Trump’s security details. According to this source, most of Trump’s security team that day in Butler, PA, weren’t even official Secret Service agents. Hawley claims they were unprepared and inexperienced personnel assigned by the DHS.

Here’s a closeup of the images:


Sean Davis, the editor of The Federalist, believes there’s more to the assassination plot than meets the eye, especially after Senator Hawley’s revelations.



Now why would Secret Service and DHS starve Trump’s security detail of resources and then assign unprepared and inexperienced staff to protect him?


It’s enough to make you wonder if the Biden regime was deliberately trying to create the conditions that would allow someone to be able to shoot Trump.


We should say off the bat that several highly placed sources have downplayed the alleged role of DHS’ HSI and have suggested that the Secret Service was the primary, if not exclusive, agency involved.It’s very possible that the whistleblower could be inaccurate, and we can’t even rule out an intentional effort at—dare we say it—disinformation in order to somehow absolve the Secret Serviceitself of blame. Nevertheless, the attention on the HSI’s possible role in the Butler assassination attempt is significant.


Remember when we covered thestory of Green Beret Jeremy Brown, whom the Biden regime persecuted relentlessly after he revealed hidden recordings of government agents trying to recruit himas an informant in the months leading up to January 6th?Revolver News can confirm that those agents, whose business cards we’ve seen, belonged to the DHS’ HSI division—the very same division that Senator Hawley’s whistleblower claims was mysteriously put in charge of Trump’s security at Butler. As we learned fromJeremy Brown’s secret leaked recordings, DHS HSI was part of a massive effort to recruit informants with proximity to militia groupsin the months leading up to January 6th (bizarre, given that they weren’t supposed to know January 6 would be significant).



We at Revolver News have long maintained thatthe curious case of Ray Epps, together with the unbelievable official story pertaining to the January 6 “pipe bombs”, constitute the two smoking-guns of the January 6 Fedsurrection. The January 6 Fedsurrection doesn’t just have smoking guns, however — it also has a heroic whistleblower.

As far back as March 2021, former Green Beret Jeremy Brown went public with a recording he took that depicted JTTF/DHS agents trying to recruit himas an informant ahead of January 6, raising significant questions as to government infiltration of militia groups as well as federal foreknowledge that something was going to take place on that day.

Anonymous ID: bfaab6 July 21, 2024, 10:39 a.m. No.21259832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9876 >>0085 >>0114



Sadly yet predictably, Jeremy Brown may have to suffer the same fate as Julian Assange and other brave souls who dared to expose Regime corruption. Earlier this month, the Biden Regime’s politically weaponized Justice Department sentenced Jeremy Brown to 87 months in federal prison:


Tampa, Florida – U.S. District Judge Susan C. Bucklew today sentenced Jeremy Brown (48, Tampa) to seven years and three months in federal prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release, for possession of unregistered short-barrel firearms, possession of unregistered explosive grenades, improper storage of explosive grenades, and retention of classified information.


The scandalous details of theDOJ’s prosecution of Brown suggest a case of egregious political retaliation, and warrant the careful attention of every patriot concerned with the unprecedented degradation of our nation’s once great justice system.


It is important to note that Brown emphatically denies the grenade chargesfor which he was convicted, as well as the charges relating to classified material. During the course of his trial, forensics experts were not able to find his prints on the grenades, lending support to Brown’s claim that someone planted the grenade at some point prior to the search. As for the charges relating to classified information, Brown told Revolver in a phone conversation that while he kept a template for classified documents on one of his files, the file in question did not actually contain classified information. The jury ultimately found Brown not guilty of four classified document charges related to a CD-rom labeled “secret”, which the FBI found in their five-hour long search of Brown’s home. Brown maintains he had never seen the CD before.


The true scandal surrounding the persecution of Jeremy lies not in the cooked up weapons charges described above, however, but in the underlying motivation for the charges in the first place.


In late September of 2021, approximately 20 FBI vehicles swooped in on Brown’s home, searched his belongings for over five hours, and took all of his phones and electronics before arresting him. What grave January 6 offense could have possibly justified such a dramatic action on the part of federal authorities? After all of the fanfare, Brown was arrested and charged with trespassing on restricted grounds and disorderly conduct—both misdemeanors.


You can read the entire piece by clicking here:

Biden Regime’s Seven-Year Prison Sentence for Green Beret Jan 6 Whistleblower Re-Opens Festering Wounds of Fedsurrection Lie


The above underscores how the suspicious behavior of certain agencies in relation to January 6th will help to illuminate the dark and suspicious behavior of the Secret Service in relation to the tragedy in Butler, PA.There is much more to say on this in relation to the Secret Service. And much more is coming soon as we process some explosive leads. Stay tuned