truly backwards to forwards just like a quantum computer. send niobium and liquid helium.
kinda shows how undemocratic they are. fuck the voters.
not wh business. him as the candidate. appropriate. he does not speak for the country here, only himself as a candidate.
what are m&m's made of?
what conservative counterlawfare could we do that makes every bar attorney resign from political parties or elector status?
birthright citizenship eligibility for prez at SC in 3 2 1
who will they put up when kamala is disqualified? he is only stayin on as resident to postpone that question.
fuck i dunno. just don't eat that shit and ask again later.
wow, that's a serious financial coup.
cochineal red dye
DNC could just endorse trump and get it over with
go johnson go
MIL must intervene until SC decides
after the SC decision and CF revelations they won't be able to endorse anyone else
if FBI CIA DHS Marshals ATF are all involved, who investigates?
DNC wish list in apparent conflict with state ballot laws no chance.