Anonymous ID: 1cf69b July 21, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.21260805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guess they finally negotiated a bribe big enough to get the Potato to quit.


Since the Clintons are now backing KaMOOla, look for a KaMOOla / Killary ticket being floated as a trial balloon.


No one trusts KaMOOla, so Killary is the elder statesperson (what the hell is a statesWOMAN???) in the style of the DICK Cheney backing up Dub-Ya!

Anonymous ID: 1cf69b July 21, 2024, 1:06 p.m. No.21260987   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  1. They almost have to all push for KaMOOla, so that the primaries that selected Potato, now count somewhat for KaMOOla. They will spin that this somehow still reflects the will of the voters.




  1. You know the Clintons are conniving assholes, and they likely have their opposition research ready to kick KaMOOla out at the drop of a pin. Real or fake, they have dirt on the Cackle.


  1. The signal fuckery is afoot, will be trial balloons pushing the first all XX ticket (yes, they will suddenly remember what a woman is) with KaMOOla on top, and Killary doing the DICK Cheney role, as the seasoned veteran (of dirty tricks).


  1. If Killary gets on the ticket, she might just live up to her nickname.


This show is only getting started.