I know her Father was Jamaican. Is her Mother US born?
Adam, in all seriousness. No one and I mean NO ONE………………gives one, fucking, Rat's Ass whet yout think is the right thing for anyone to do. Much less our POTUS. Go cry in your Mommie's basement liddle boi. You ain't even jack shit. You're less than you pissant.
He is not a good man anon. He is dishonest, lying ass piece of shit and a blight to anyone you would call a Man. He's no Man.
Liar. I'm sitting here watching FNC. And have been. Fuck off.
Federal. Red states line up. Bring your indictments. Was opening the southern border part and parcel to his "offical duties" as President? How about allowing Xi Jinping to fly his balloon all over the fucking place gathering intel on our Military Bases? That part of his offical duties? Ignoring SCOTUS rulings and saddling American taxpayers with billions of dollars of student loan debt part of his offical duties?
Hmm……………….seems t me that the precedent has been set.
Oh, here I am!!!
This bitch wouldn't know character and integrity if bit her right in her ass.