State ballot issues:
Georgia 07/09/2024 Last day for an Independent and a Political Body Candidate for President and Vice President to file a Nomination Petition to have his/her name placed on the General Election Ballot.
California 08/14/2024 Last day for the party chairperson of any qualified political party to submit to the county elections official a list of all candidates for voter-nominated office who will appear on any ballot in the county in question, and who have been endorsed by the party.
Maryland 08/16/2024 For all offices except Governor and Lt. Governor, deadline for the appropriate central committee(s) to fill a vacancy caused by the death or disqualification of a filed candidate
Ohio 08/07/2024 Major political parties must certify the names of their joint candidates for president and vice president to the Secretary of State by this date (90 days before general election).
. The Democratic National Convention will take place from August 19-22, 2024