A life you long for, written in bits and pieces upon these slices of bread you post. Longing for more.. more joy, love, life. I would that I could give you what I know, but that is not to be. What I have I was born remembering, ever having that place in me that whispered to me, reminding me of something more. Lucky, perhaps. I really do not know the reason. Later in life I set out to find out what I took for granted. I studied many philosophies and religions, to understand people, why they did what they did, lived like they lived. I still came back to the sure foundation in me, built from before my birth. Protected… no. I suffered abuse that no child should experience. I have left my body and watched atrocities from above. I have experienced betrayal, heartbreak, just like anybody. Yet, within me I always felt loved, loved beyond measure. It is what kept me sane and ever hopeful. In maturity I finally let myself open to the love there. When love so great that it is like melting liquid, like warm oil pouring upon you… when love so strong you become undone and can only be in that moment. And then, when I became aged, … HIM… I met HIM…. face to face. I have in the physical one time, seen Him… a beautiful man… Numerous are the times of the night when my spirit soars from the physical and I am there… HE is LOVE… simply. HE became man, lived, died, and yet lives… all for us. This is what we are fighting for, this life to be. And yes, we have won. HE was a lamb sacrificed to bring us home, HE will again as a LION… fierce and swift … for us… all for us. This is what I would give you… if I could. But it is your journey. God speed. There is a song by Hillsong… So will I…100 billion. HE never leaves the one behind.