Starting to lean more towards RR being a white hat and a GREAT actor. Could be wrong, though.
Enjoy the show.
Starting to lean more towards RR being a white hat and a GREAT actor. Could be wrong, though.
Enjoy the show.
Just bookmark the index.
Watch the House Judicary Committee live feed
Not a court room…
Part of the show.
Q stated that Strzok and Page were "cooperating witnesses…"
Keep in mind.
Some more reminders on Strzok:
According to the IG report, all of the top brass of the email investigation (both at the FBI and DOJ) were aghast to see comments emanating from the White House (Obama and press secretary) which indicated they had inside information or had been briefed as to the direction of things…even before the "direction" was decided by the investigative team.
Indicates that someone was leaking directly to the WH…and Strzok/Page…had later discussed how Obama wanted to be kept informed about the Russia investigation, which Strzok opened himself.
Not saying this is going to come out in the hearings…it won't…but remember how important he is, especially since Q told us he is a "cooperating witness"
Highly unlikely he forgot about this.
In record time…
LOL…Nadler: "You guys are not nice!"
LOL they are scared TO DEATH
Chill anons…this is an act of pure desperation.
Holy shit the lizard face is coming out.
Okay I forget the questioning…I want Jordan to take this fucker to the mat.