Okay. I'm happy to ignore it. I do think it prevents some from finding the threads and participating. However web dev is crazy and it could be anything. Just seems suspicious to me with everything else going on. I don't want to be a concernfag- all we can do is carry on and I'm happy to say we're all still here digging. Godspeed.
well it's legit there will be less eyes here from normies. I always used the catalog. I suppose it's a good thing to keep reddit out of here and let Q speak to the real autists who are higher level users or oldfags how know how to chan
Let the slaying begin
Odds on completely bald by 2019? Cortisol levels thru the roof.
He's a spook so he's able to appear calm under pressure. He presumably already cut his deal too. However he's going to have a lot of heat from all sides .
Gowdy is present