CSPAN made sure to show that JJordan was there.
Peter failed twice. Failed to have an affair with someone prettier than his wife, and failed to stop Trump from being president.
Rhetorical question.
I cant wait for JJordan vs Strzok-meStrzok-me
Oh yea! Big time!
Manafort wants to be in solitary. Its not like solitary in the movies. It just means he gets his own room and he doesn't eat or go outside with the general population. He has even refused to leave jail to go to court 2 hours away because he thinks it isn't safe. He has a cellphone, his own clothes, his paperwork for his trial all in his own cell/room. He doesn't even have to wear a jail uniform.
He'd be dead if he was in gen pop.
God some of you are so retarded. Manafort is a bad dude. He doesnt have anything on Trump, he used to work for Podesta Group in Ukraine as an Unregistered Foreign Agent. Manafort going to jail is GOOD. Trump is clean.
Same with Cohen. Cohen is tied to the Clintons and Pinchuk. He should go to jail as well. He also opened a shell company 1 month before Trump took office so he could hide the fact that he was selling access to POTUS.
Here is where he says it:
Its a voice recorder. Hes negotatiaing and wants to remember what they talked about.
Jordan is there. CPSAN made a point of showing him walking around.
Can Trey make Strzok cry today?
Off to save the UK.
Im sorry but I fucking hate these Dems that do this. They are being DNA checked and returned to their parents so they aren't trafficked. STFU and pay attention to the hearing in front of you.
Tom Arnold was with Cohen.
'Waaa waaa they hurt the coup members' feelings. Now they are sad.'
I KNOW! WTF! Already building in excuses for him. Nadler is a traitor. Gowdy is going to Fing explode!
WTF kind of notes is Strzok taking?
You better stop smearing Flynn or I will keel you!
Cummins, you are a faggot! Full on faggotery! Whp brings their own props you old wind bag!
I need a fast forward button through this guy.
Cummins, you are a confirmed piece of shit.
LOL yup. He's a dope.
I cant wait!
Im going to be cursing a lot through this hearing. I can tell already.
"I will shred you".
>Notch in Putin's belt