I love this movie but it is a kind of delicious anguish/torture waiting for the next plot twist to be unfolded. Patience was never my strong suit. This world, what is presented to us for our mind's consumption, demands great patience from those of us who have long known how deep the corruption runs. I recall Q's post about patienceโฆ
May 17
The hard part for us is having to wait for the 'public' to 'know' what we've known for a very long time.
There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves.
Why are we here?
Royals schmoyals.
The left can't meme.
Dear anon, i am one of you and always have been. If you don't like my memes that is on you, but it does not mean I am the enemy.
God bless patriot.
Cheer up, learn to discern who the anons are. Don't just be attacking your bros and sis's. God wins, you know. I know you know.
Well are you going to apologize to a fellow anon? I'm waiting.