BREAKING NEWS: Government says parents of nearly HALF of kids younger than 5 taken at the border can't have them back because they're child abusers, kidnappers and murderers – and others aren't actually parents
President tweeted this week that Democrats in Congress should help stop illegal immigrants gain entry to the U.S. by bring children with them
'Traffickers know how it works,' he claimed; 'They are just using children!'
Homeland Security Department has cited 'many instances where human traffickers have used children to cross the border to gain illegal entry'
Now DOJ and DHS say 46 of the 103 children in custody who are under 5 years old wouldn't be safe with the adults who brought them across the border
Some weren't actually their parents; others are in prison for kidnapping, child abuse or murder
Still others gave phony birth certificates or planned to house a child with a known cihld sex abuser
(Repost from end of lb)
Thanks Daybaker !