let me see
cabal father
cabal mother
cabal grand parents
cabal great grandparents
just a guess
it's very very odd that an Indian woman would marry a mulatto from Jamaica, don't you think?
let me see
cabal father
cabal mother
cabal grand parents
cabal great grandparents
just a guess
it's very very odd that an Indian woman would marry a mulatto from Jamaica, don't you think?
It is very offensive to post 'channeled message from Jesus'
for all you know you were channeling 'angels of light' that were demons, anon.
she's doing the typical deal that infiltrators do.
she got to the cat bird seat and isn't going to vacate it because she's not working for the people but for her clan.
1871, anon, after the civil war.
I think Grant was president.
The 'Justice Department' was established.
for me that's when we ceased being a Republic and became an asset of European folks who are obscure and unknown (banksters)
it took them till the Clintons to get to the part where they would put people in who would just thumb their noses at the Congress like this lady is doing.
There are milestones in between.
they got pretty far under Rosevelt into it being an effective cabal dicatatorship ruled by cabal bankster when they stole all the gold and eliminated most of the National Banks.
I say obscure and unknown but you probably could have a cover collection of US stamps and find the addresses where the loans of cabal business people from Eastern Europe and Germany were sending their loan payments.
you could probably do a ferensic analysis and figure out who the people were.
but they spread themselves out all over the world.
When they destroyed the Austrian Hungarian Empire, they had their people bet against their own country.
It's all fairly obvious.
plus there is a 'look' of the 'type' that is well known and obvious.
they are very inbred people.
maybe he's just gone on permanent vacation, say to Maui?
surrender your personal phone!