Anonymous ID: d5c2b8 July 22, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.21268311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8693 >>8728



Keep dropping the red pills from this hearing on social media

you are getting timelines, anons opines, questioning and connections



use below as reference


>>21202231, >>21202256, >>21202267, >>21202355 #25959 #25972 #25973 (3) breads painting picture of before, during and after djt hitjob, (important events).

dough below

eye witness ac vids below



>>21202460 eye witness security missing. robert philpot

Eyewitness believes there was a 'noticeable' difference in security at Trump's rally

NBC News 1hr ago


Q Research General #25959: Literally Wat Edition

Summary: Biden held his big boy press conference with the nato leaders, which went fucking terrible after his debate and then the media turning on him.

The panic had set in, reports from the media was that he was done.

Q Research General #25972: TRUMP RALLY in Butler, Pennsylvania II Edition

Summary: The trump rally was due to take place, all the leaders were flying home and they thought they were losing control.

obama and nancy pelosi had a meeting about biden and came up with a plane to take out trump, Secret service were called and a windown was left open for a special ops martar to take trump out. (mk ultra under some type of borne program)

Q Research General #25973: shots fired FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Edition

Summary: The person must have been known to police as he was not hindered getting up to the roof overlooking the rally where trump was speaking, roof top snipers did not fire until he got 3 shots off and than took him out so no witnesses. Who ever did the risk assessment on that site before the rally, that report needs to be seen, was that vantage point covered or withdrawn for their asset to take the shot.

Anons can figure out who gave the order but this was not a random nutjob.


Anonymous ID: d5c2b8 July 22, 2024, 11:30 a.m. No.21268424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8728

fox news is not showing the videos but rsbn is.

no press conferences by garland, fbi, secret service. rather she is leaking to the papers and t.v interviews.

cheadle is toast.

Anonymous ID: d5c2b8 July 22, 2024, 11:46 a.m. No.21268563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

cormer: 3.2 billion for secret service budget.

waste of money. 8000 employess

3,200,000,000 /8000 = $400,000 per person.

Anonymous ID: d5c2b8 July 22, 2024, 12:02 p.m. No.21268693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8700 >>8711 >>8721 >>8728 >>8759 >>8807 >>8903 >>8965



Note: Will collect the lies and excuses and post later to this post.

dough below to congress hearing notes from kim cheatle==


LIVE UPCOMING: Secret Service Kim Cheatle Hearing on Trump Assassination Attempt | LiveNOW FOX



>>21266378 Chairman Comer: The Secret Service has a zero-fail mission, but it failed on July 13, and on the days leading up to the rally. The Secret Service has thousands of employees and a significant budget, but it has now become the face of incompetence. mp4 vid

>>21266394 raskin straight away goes after gun control.

Raskin: Some are calling it a miracle that former President Trump escaped this AR-15 attack, unlike so many thousands of our fellow citizens who have been killed or seriously killed in other AR-15 shootings

>>21266446, >>21266458, >>21266470 cheatle: miss jackson lee was involved in the over sight of the secret service. (died of pancreatic cancer)

Chairman Comer; At any point Saturday, did the Secret Service have an agent on top of that roof [where the shooter shot from]?

Cheatle: Sir, I'm sure, as you can imagine, that we are just nine days out from this incident, and there's still an ongoing incident.

Comer: Can you answer why the Secret Service did not place a single agent on the roof?

Cheatle: We are still looking into the advance process and the decisions that were made.

Chairman Comer: There were reports that the shooter used na drone just a few hours before the rally start time. Is that accurate?

Cheatle: I have heard those same reports, and again am waiting for the final report.

Comer: Do you know if the shooter used a drone before the shooting?

Cheatle: That information has been passed to us from the FBI.

Raskin: Why was [President Trump] allowed to take the stage with a suspicious person having been identified in the crowd?

Cheatle: If the detail had been passed information that there was a threat, the detail would have never have brought the former president out onto stage.

Raskin: So you distinguish between someone who is suspicious and someone who is threatening?

Cheatle: We do.

Cheatle: For the event in Butler, there were no requests that were denied.

Jordan: Well maybe they got tired of asking. Maybe you turned them down so darm much, they said, 'not worth asking'. How many times did you turn them down ahead of that?

Cheatle: I think that it is important to distinguish between what some people may view as a denial-

Jordan: Is Mr. Gugliemi your spokes person? He acknowledged the Secret Service had turned down some requests? I'm asking how many

Cheatle: A denial of a request is not equal a vulnerability.

>>21266597 dems are all on the same talking point: Gun control and assault weapons. they had a meeting to discuss the patterns.

Turner: Director Cheatle, because Donald Trump is alive, and thank God he is, you look incompetent. If Donald Trump had been killed, you would have looked culpable.

Lynch: Did he have a rangefinder?

Cheatle: Yes he did…at a number of our sites, especially when you are outdoor venues, a rangefinder is not a prohibited item.

Foxx: How are you taking accountability for the Secret Service's failures during the July 13 assassination attempt on President Trump?

Cheatle: I have taken accountability, and I will continue to take accountability

Foxx: You think you are the best person in the country to lead the Secret Service?

Cheatle: I think that I am the best person to lead the Secret Service at this time.

Foxx: In 2022, the Secret Service saw nearly half it's workforce leave in one year, and during the same year, it was ranked dead last among law enforcement agencies, and the best places to work in the federal government.

Cheatle: I dispute the statistic of half of the employees leaving in 2022.

[who filled many of the empty spots?]

Anonymous ID: d5c2b8 July 22, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21268700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8711 >>8721 >>8728 >>8759 >>8807 >>8903 >>8965


Connolly coming unglued; trying to make this all about the 'availability of an AR-15'.

Cheatle: I am unable to answer details of exactly how the individual accessed the roof at this time.

Grothman: How did the rifle get to the roof?

Cheatle: At this time I am unable to answer questions to provide clarity.

Grothman: Have they cleaned the roof since the assassination attempt?

Cheatle: Have they cleaned the roof?

Grothman: Has anything been done to the roof? Is it just like it was ten days ago or not? Has anything been done to the roof?

Cheatle: I don't have an answer for that.

Cheatle is going with the line, lessons learned and make sure it will never happen again.

Krishnamoorthi: As you know, the shooter began shooting at 6:11 pm eastern, on July 13th. NBC reported that at 5:51 pm, 20 minutes before the shooting began, the State Police informed the Secret Service of their concern. Now the rally was not paused at that point, correct?

Cheatle: No.

Krishnamoorthi: And according to NBC, just two minutes later, at 5:53 pm, the Secret Service notified it's snipers about the gunman. The rally wasn't paused a that point either, correct?

Cheatle: No.

Cheatle: The people that are in charge of protecting the president on that day would never bring the former president out if there was a threat that had been identified.

Krishnamoorthi: Well they did, because we have now identified three points in the twenty minutes before the shooting that the threat emerged.

Krishnamoorthi: You haven't found evidence that this was a result of a conspiracy of high-ranking government officials, correct?

Cheatle: Correct.

>>21266895 cheatle: much like our security plans have multi layers before they are signed off.

Cloud: Who is the top-level official who reviews the security plan?

Cheatle: There's a number of people that review security plans…people on the ground, there are supervisors on the detail, there are people at headquarters.

Cloud: Isn't there an individual who signs off on the plan?

Cheaatle: There are multi-layered; there are multiple layers-

Cloud: So there's no accountability.

Cheatle: There is accountability, sir.

Cloud: This is; whether it;s the FBI, or Fauci; it's time after time, after time, these multiple layers of accountability turn into layers of plausible deniability.

Khana: Do you know what Stuart Knight when; he was in charge of the Secret Service [during Reagan shooting]. You know what he did, afterwards?

Cheatle: He remained on duty.

Khana: He resigned.

Mfume: Why was the building, the ARG building, placed outside the perimeter, when clearly it was close enough for someone to launch an attack?

Cheatle: We are looking into all of the details of how the advance was comprised, but I can tell you that there was overwatch on that building, provided that day.

Mfume: By a drone?

Cheatle: I'm not going to get into the specifics of technology or assets that were used in this forum.

Sessions: Have any employees been disciplined for their role in Butler, PA, incident.

Cheatle: No sir, not at this time. I am asking those questions.

cheatle: 60 days before completion of report

Cheatle: On our mission assurance, internal investigation, we are targeting to have that completed within sixty days.

aoc: 60 days for completion is not acceptable

Biggs: Was Mr. Crooks acting alone?

Cheatle: I would have to refer to to the FBI's investigation.

Biggs: Was he just a lone gunman?

Cheatle: I would have to refer you to the FBIs investigation for motive.

Biggs: Was Mr. Crooks acting alone?

Cheatle: I would have to refer to to the FBI's investigation.

Biggs: Was he just a lone gunman?, Cheatle: I would have to refer you to the FBIs investigation for motive.

Biggs: Was the gun already on the roof, or did the shooter carry the gun up with him?

Cheatle: I do not have that information at this time.

Biggs: When was the last sweep done prior to the rally?

Cheatle: I do not have that information at this time.

Raskin: We don't want to lose a presidential candidate to an AR-15 attack. We can not lose a presidential candidate to an AR-15 attack, and we can't lose any more citizens to AR-15 mass-violence, mass-shootings. And we certainly don't want an attempted AR-15 assassination, or assassination attempt to set off political violence or riots in America.

Mace: You stated earlier. Secret Service is not political, is that correct?

Cheatle: Yes.

Mace: Would you say leaking your opening statement to Punchbowl News, Politico's Playbook, and Washington Post, several hours before you sent it to this committee, as being political?

Cheatle: I have no idea how my statement got out.

Anonymous ID: d5c2b8 July 22, 2024, 12:04 p.m. No.21268711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8721 >>8728 >>8759 >>8807 >>8903 >>8965



Mace: That's bullshit

good tactic by mace - yes or no answers

mace: did you leak your statement to the tabloids

cheatle; i have no idea how how that got out

mace: Thats bullshit, here are the recipt

raskin moving in to save her

no one has been suspended by the s.s as yet.

so those keystone cops are still on duty somewhere. those people being protected by those dei hires should get better security

Mace: How many minutes went by between the time law enforcement saw and took photos of Crooks, and the shooting? How many minutes?

Cheatle: I am still verifying timelines.

Mace: Fifty-seven minutes.

>>21267376 july 3rd rally announced.

july 6th shooter searched for dates for trump and

july 7th shooter went to the site

july 12 shooter went to a gun range where he and his dad practiced

july 13 he went to the site again

he search on line for guns, he went home and got his fathers weapon, at 5pm local law enforcement were made aware that he had a range finder.


>>21267411 ANON TO CLIP 12.16PM et 12.22pm rsbn link

>>21267500 mp4 vid of mrs stansbury testimony timeline of shooter.

>>21267382 multi statements bun

LaTurner: In your twenty-seven years of experience, would you have been concerned about an elevated location within a hundred-fifty yards of a protectee that did not have a Secret Service presence? Just based on your experience.

Cheatle: What I can tell you is that every site and every venue is an advanced [inaudible].

LaTurner: Would that have been of concern to you, or would you have agreed that it's fine; it doesn't need to be covered?

Cheatle: What I have explained today-

LaTurner: You're not going to answer.

LaTurner: Is it true that at 5:45 pm, approximately eighteen minutes before President Trump took stage, the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit noticed the shooter on the roof and photographed him?

Cheatle: That is the information that have from the FBI's report, yes.

Fallon: Have you visited the site?

Cheatle: No, I have not.

Fallon: Nine days and you have not visited the site. You should have been there that night.

Fallon: It wasn't the roof that was dangerous, it was the nut job on top of the roof. You know what else is dangerous? I believe your horrifying ineptitude, and your lack of skilled leadership is a disgrace. You obfuscating today is shameful, and you should be fired immediately and go back to guarding Doritos.

Donalds: At what time was Secret Service aware of the active threat against President Trump?

[long pause]

Donalds: Director? What time?

Cheatle: The Secret Service was aware that there was an individual who had been identified as suspicious, and that individual was attempting to be tracked down.

Donalds: At what time?

Cheatle: I don't have a specific timeline.

Donalds: Director, it's been nine days. At what time?

Cheatle: I want to make sure I give you factual information, sir.

Cheatle: I believe at this time that the rooftop was provided overwatch, I acknowledge that we are unaware at this time how the individual was able to access the roof.

Perry: Are you confident that the person in question, Mr. Crooks, was the only person firing that day against the president or the crowd? Is he the only one? I'm not asking you yet if he acted alone, but is he the only one? Can you say that with certainty to the American people?

Cheatle: That is the information I have at this time, yes.

Perry: Does it appear he acted alone?

Cheatle: That's the information we have at this time.

>>21267674 simons: was he a person of interest. say it with anon

Perry: Was the Crooks vehicle inside any of your perimeters?

Cheatle: No, it was not.

Perry: Was there a device located on Mr. Crooks body to detonate the vehicle?

Cheatle: That is the information that I have.

Perry: So what would be the point of detonating the vehicle if it was not inside the perimeter?

Cheatle: I have no idea what Mr. Crooks motivation was.

Moskowitz: There are over four hundred million guns on the streets, if all of those guns were machine guns, would that make your job harder? To protect people?

Cheatle: I think weapons that are out there-

Moskowitz: If all of those guns were rocket-propelled grenades, would that make your job harder?

Cheatle: Yes sir.

[comparing a semi-automatic AR-15 to machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades is beyond ridiculous]

Anonymous ID: d5c2b8 July 22, 2024, 12:05 p.m. No.21268721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8728 >>8759 >>8807 >>8903 >>8965




Timmons: Did the First Lady's event get twelve assets, and Trump's get three? From the Pittsburgh Field Office?

Cheatle: The number of personnel that were allocated to both of those events were comparable to the risk at both of those events.

Timmons: Wow. Really? So you think that the Pittsburgh Casino, four-hundred person ballroom with ingress/egress through; probably a very well-guarded parking garage, was four times more dangerous than a twenty-thousand person rally in an open field with the former president future president? You think that that's four times more dangerous, the casino event?

Cheatle: I didn't say that at all.

Timmons: Well, they got four times the resources from the Pittsburgh Field Office, who was likely in charge of the final walk through for both events.

Burchett. I don't think you should resign, I think you should have been fired. Ma'am, you are a DEI horror story.

Crockett: As a civil rights lawyer, I have learned so many times in having to deal with law enforcement, that there usually is not a perception of a threat when it is a young, white, male, even if they are carrying a long gun, yet a lot of times, at least in this country when it comes to law enforcement, there is a perceived threat just by somebody having a little bit more melanin in their skin

Crockett: The problem with these conspiracies, is that when people believe that, say, the president of the United States ordered a hit, or they believe it was an inside job, or whatever conspiracies they believe because they don't have any facts in front of them, that potentially incites the next level of violence at the next event in retaliation for this.

mgt: just stated the senior supervisor is a female.

Marjorie Greene: Do you have a timeline at all, from any of the day?

Cheatle: I have a timeline that does not have specifics.

Marjorie Greene: That's shocking. That is absolutely unacceptable. That means you're a failure at your job.

Cheatle: An individual with a backpack is not a threat. An individual with a rangefinder is not a threat.

Marjorie Greene: Was there a stand-down order, Mrs. Cheatle? Was there a conspiracy to kill President Trump?

Cheatle: Absolutely not.

>>21268150 MTG Butler Timeline mp4 vid

Pressley: Some republicans have exploited this moment to continue to attack progress towards racial justice and gender equity in America…republicans have wrongfully and shamefully stated that hiring women and necessary diversity , equity and people of color, hindered the response to the shooting. Now this is part and parcel of a republican strategy to constantly attack necessary diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. To undermine the contributions of women, people of color, the disability community, and others make to this country each and every day.

Raskin: We got to act as a congress to protect ourselves against AR-15 violence in America.

raskin; we have a hearing when it effects trump.

cheadle: i was preparing for this hearing for 4 days.

Anonymous ID: d5c2b8 July 22, 2024, 12:06 p.m. No.21268728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8759 >>8807 >>8903 >>8965





mr mcclain: do you even know what colour of your hair is. do you have dementia.

McClain: Did they [FBI] share with you how many shell casing were on the roof?

Cheatle: Yes.

McClain: How many were there?

Cheatle: I would refer to the FBI for their investigation, and their information that they need to share in their investigation.

McClain: So they've shared the information with you, you just don't want to share the information with us, correct?

Cheatle: We have concurrent investigations that are going on.

McClain: So they have shared this information with you, you know the answer to the question, you just refuse to answer the question from the member of congress who has subpoenaed you to be here.

Boebert: Have you communicated with anyone at the White House on an encrypted messaging app like Signal?

Cheatle: No, I have not.

Boebert: Are you willing to surrender your personal phone for analysis?

Cheatle: If I am required to do so.

Boebert: I will look into making that request, because I would like to see your personal phone to see if you are communicating over encrypted messaging apps.

Fry; How many other security lapses have occurred with protectees under your watch?

Cheatle: I don't have a specific number, but there have been some lapses…there were individuals who have been reassigned.

Cheatle: I don't have any information related to any second shooter.

Luna: According to testimony from multiple witnesses, they did report that.

Luna: Chairman, in my opinion, according to some of the testimony today, I feel that you [Cheatle] have perjured yourself in some instances, and so I'm going to ask for a full review of the transcripts by staff, and if you find that to be the case, I do ask that you bring perjury charges against the director…I am just completely disgusted by your performance today, and I understand that you're probably in a position where you're being told not to testify, which is why we had to subpoena you, I think that goes back to Garland. Again, that is part of the flushing that we need to get out of Washington, and I would be happy to assist in that process.

Cheatle: I do, on occasion, use encrypted apps to communicate.

Burlison: Whom are you communicating using encrypted apps?

Cheatle: Many times it is with colleagues and associates.

Burlison: So you're communicating with colleagues on a personal device?

Cheatle: There are times that the Secret Service when we work internationally with some of our partners, that they don't have the same texting capability.

Burlison: You're not able to do that with your government device?

Cheatle: Recently, we have been able to install some of those apps on government devices.

>>21268424 screenshot shown to congress of press release by cheadle.

>>21268421 highlight bun during hearing.

Raskin: It's true the president, the former president, and a handful of people who get the Secret Service protection, are the only people in American we thought were safe from an AR-15 attack; it's clear that they're not safe either…the whole country is living like this, in fear and in terror of assault weapon attacks.

raskin: AR 15 blah blah blah gun control.

comer : Everyone agrees you are a danger to everyone and must be fired.


>>21268623 meme of hearing