Gawd, I can’t stand this mother fucker. Needs the rope. Gawd I hate this faggot pos >I’m anon like you.
The faggot needs the rope STAT
Dear Q team,
Please hang Elon musk by the neck from a rope. Thank you. He can fool some people sometimes but he can’t fool all the people all the time.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Perfect faith. Good as done. Thank You God ahead of time for the answered prayer. I know You are a God of love but You are also a God of Justice. Evil is not meant to be tolerated but it is meant to be rebuked by the power vested in me/us in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you.
They’re gonna say he died from the rona n he’s already on ice
The anitichrist will not be governing over the USA. It’s the Antichrist vs MAGA.