Did you not believe when I said BV was in my pocket?
Make no mistake.
BO will not delete R research threads.
MSM optics too important.
Full subversion reached.
Did you not believe when I said BV was in my pocket?
Make no mistake.
BO will not delete R research threads.
MSM optics too important.
Full subversion reached.
Autists don't have control.
R+Bakers+BV control 8ch.
GOOG controls social media push.
MSM will give large optics to R.
You have no choice.
We have been allowed to grow here by design.
R trumps Q.
R is showing total control of BV.
BV is in R's pocket.
BO approves.
BO will not delete R research general thread.
8ch is under R control.
Did you enjoy tonight's gore show?
No spoilers.
Thanks BV.
Make no mistake.
R is not going anywhere
as long as BV/BO does not delete
R research general threads in catalog.
That would be the end of R.