Proofs meant only for autists.
Critical thinking not integral to clown R message propagation.
True autists not integral to clown R message propagation.
Qanon not integral to clown R message propagation.
MSM controls narrative.
BV provides optics by not deleting/renaming R research thread.
"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."
BV will ensure that comms remain open for Rresearchers.
Look [here] >>>>2279195
Big R push coming.
Already happening on YT and twitter.
BV will not delete comms in Rresearch.
Comms are integral to MSM narrative.
Q = Censored
R = Pushed
8ch BIG DROP coming.
Ranon from 8ch message will spread WW via MSM and social media PUSH.
Buckle up.
What is a BV?
What services do they provide?
Is this necessary?
Do they do more harm than good?
Are there those that would do ANYTHING to get some form of control over this board?
BV must provide optics for Q research general.
Goal to leave [8] R post discussion breads intact for CONSPIRACY PUSH.
Deletion of old (controlled) threads is not an option.
New discussion of R is deleted from catalog (even mocking).
As long as R research remains on /qresearch/, the stage is set for MSM and propagation of Ranon.
Comms good with BV.
If BO returns and deletes R research general there will be no more comms or optics for MSM to propagate re:Ranon.
Make no mistake.
This will not happen.
Plan involves BV.
BV integral to propagate the message of R.
Coming soon to a theater near you.