With Macron and his granny dudewife?
The Reverse Chron theory says that will be PDJT sometime in 2025 which lines up with Q's (6) years from 2019 drop.
Well you can't just let everybody decide that's what's a threat like MAGA is to democracy.
Let the educated class handle this they've been trained to do so.
>t. Ghost of MIllion$Bonus from ZH Comment Section
Jordan Peterson.
Smartypants psych with a daughter just as big a ho as Kellyanne Conway's is.
Yeah, Bernie took the money and ran.
Berniefags in my neighborhood took down the signs right quick and hardly even mention him these days.
I haven't given hope that Granny Clampett will be redeemed one day.
Might even get a statue in Alabama or DC out of it.
But, it will be as perfect a flunky 1st woman POTUS could be so sticking it to those fags would be nice.
He birthed a great gif tho.
It kinda got ded here all of a sudden.
I got used to the high speed QR again and now it's icky slow.
This is seriously the slowest non-GY it's been in well over a week.
Stuck on 20% and the oh no don't leave again feelz brings out the concernfag in me.
I think subconsciously anons are wanting Jim to pull the plug because those of us still left here are QR crackheads no denying it.
Comfy Battlefield
Gonna need a push yo.
Explain the 20% then.
No way the expanded number of anons using this board in the suddenly habbening last couple of weeks can't do moar than that.
That saying "sometimes a decade's worth of big events can happen in a month" seems to be playing out.