the administrative state is so deep it is ensured that no questions directed at any individual within will ever be answered. they cannot be. this is by design. the administrative state exists for it's own growth protection and future. individuals within the admin state are insulated with 100's of layers of bureaucratic protection. the administrative state is accountable only to the systems it created for itself, meaning there is no actual accountability, but rather en endless circle of "referring to another agency". there is no mechanism possible to penetrate the shell layers in order to find actual facts. it is a fools errand to think so at this point case in point: Fauci.
drop the fuckin pot! we've got a head shot
but no Americans.
swamp minion
Ukraine first America last. Fuck Biden.
> Notice what set this cop off, it was when she said: "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus"
He took it as a threat to his life. Probably was if he is destined for eternal life in Hell.
she is the fall-girl.
covid vaccine brain nano worms
and it always beats two [moar] weeks
whore pays him too
where's that dominant-submissive body language line?