What is wrong with these fucking cops?
They are a bunch of murderers.
They are lawless.
I had an incident where I was trying to help my sister-in-law in a situation and looked at the police report that was written about the incident. The police report was full of flaws. They just plain lied and left out pertinent information. They didn't get the full story and they didn't care. They didn't want to be bothered to arrest the perpetrator of a crime that had been committed. Too busy chasing donuts to be bothered with actual criminals.
No money in it for them so they didn't give a fuck.
They all cover for each other.
Cop shoots an innocent woman and his partner asks him if he is ok.
Fraternal Brotherhood of Fuck Tards.
She didn't know that she was not in a safe environment?
Never try to reason with an ape.
That isn't what Natural Born Citizen really means.
When the Constitution was written, a Natural Born Citizen was understood to mean that a person's parents were citizens at the time of their birth. There was no 14th amendment to muddy the water.
It would not have made any sense for the Founding Fathers to have said that the POTUS had to be a Natural Born Citizen if it meant that two non-citizens could enter the country and have a baby and that baby could become POTUS.
There was a very good reason why they wanted the POTUS to be a Natural Born Citizen because it would assure that person's allegiance to the United States and not to another country.