Anonymous ID: cebd79 July 22, 2024, 8:58 p.m. No.21272837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2845 >>2890 >>2961


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The point is, both “surrogates” for Pres. Biden were speaking at closed, secure venues with limited entry points.Did FLOTUS’ event, and Harris’, require dozens of top Secret Service operatives, leaving Pres Trump exposed?Did these two events require all of the tall Secret Service operatives, or all of the Secret Service operatives that were actually well-trained in use of their weapons?


How did the Secret Service operatives who were with First Lady Jill Biden, react, when it was clear that a gunman had fired at and injured a President less than an hour away?Was FLOTUS whisked out of her casino event, as is standard when there is a heightened security context in the country? Or did she calmly finish her event?


Where did she go after that?


What communications did FLOTUS’ office have with the White House Chief of Staff, with the Secret Service, with the campaign? It would be normal for there to be coordination related to security.


Here is why I ask all of this.


I see the First Lady as Suspect Number One — hypothetically speaking of course, lawyers — ==in my concern about who it was who may have put President Trump in danger.=


I see, from the outside, a White House in chaos.I see clearly that there is a civil war inside the White House. The DNC, the Chief of Staff probably, certainly the donors, are furious that President Biden, with his obvious dementia, is not gracefully stepping aside, following his disastrous performance in the last Presidential debate.


In any other context, the pressure would be on the President to do so: he would be both bribed and (nonviolently) threatened or badgered by the DNC, by donors, by staff, etc, and he would eventually get the message and elegantly step out of the way.


That obviously is not happening.


Reports – and these are leaked no doubt by furious donors and DNC operatives – are that the family, and specifically thatMrs Biden and Hunter Biden, are unmoved, and preventing this graceful exit.


This is a really Shakespearean situation=. There may well be a last, feverish, embattled holdout situation, with a demented principal essentially held hostage by his family; a power-crazed First Lady “in charge”; and a drug-addicted Hunter standing at her side, all of them hanging on for dear life, resisting at all costs the encirclement, relentless pressure, and rage, of the mafia-like powers of the DNC and Democratic donors==. They may be resisting even the advice of their uneasy staffers (notice that you barely know the names of Biden White House or campaign staffers; they want to protect their reputations in this debacle).


I certainly see this overall scenario in the organizing of legacy media into creating situations that embarrass and expose President Biden’s dementia — situations that would have to be engineered and signed off on by Biden’s own team.


You have to ask yourself thus: who is running the United States of America?


There are a thousand decisions a day that a President needs to make. President Biden’s mind is gone; he cannot make them. Lobbyists from both parties describe a White House that they enjoy greatly becausethey say that you can put anything in front of this President, and he will sign it.


Who is running the United States?Is it, as with First Lady Edith Wilson, who secretly ran the country for two years after 1919 when President Wilson suffered a stroke that left him impaired, Mrs Biden?


When President Biden is on camera, you see that it is First Lady Dr Jill Biden who directs his glance, his words, his movement; in those thousand Presidential decisions a day,is she also directing his pen? If not she, then who?


It is not a trivial question.


Whoever is actually running America, it is clear that Mrs Biden does not wish to leave the Oval Office or the White House.


She and her husband, certainly her son, are all at risk of investigation, or worse, under a new Trump administration.She, more than anyone who is fully sentient in her family, needs President Trump to go away.


So in my calculus, ==President Trump’s rival= is not the impaired President Biden.


It is the First Lady.


I have seen up close how theunlimited powerof the Presidency, and the nearness to unlimited power of the Vice Presidency,can destabilize the wisest judgement and seduce the strongest mind. This level of power has an addictive quality. People cannot stand to give it up. They will do almost anything to keep it.