this is a charade to make republicans look unhinged, this is entirely fucking scripted on both sides and Strock is made to look like the patriot.
absolutely fucking pathetic, as always
this is a charade to make republicans look unhinged, this is entirely fucking scripted on both sides and Strock is made to look like the patriot.
absolutely fucking pathetic, as always
the psyop skill is strong with Gowdy, jedi level sometimes
i would very much like some sort of job with Gowdy
i dont give a fuck what it is, but i wanna work for that guy and learn to mind fuck people like that
hah, years well spent to be able to make a spy lose his temper and go on a rant in front of the house
Cummings has to be drunk or stoned on a benzo or opiate, or simply hasn't spoken to anyone for weeks and his jaw muscles are sore