MSNBC Lets the Biden Cat out of the Bag
American Thinker, by Brian C. Joondeph
Posted By: Imright, 7/22/2024 10:12:54 PM
Morning Joe, or “Morning Joke” as I like to refer to it as, is a propaganda arm for the Democrat party. But then again, so is CNN, network news, and increasingly more often, Fox News. They are no longer even pretending to be apolitical or objective, like how the left still pretends that men can become pregnant. Morning Joe hit that mark this past week. (Photo) Morning Joe is hosted by former US Representative Joe Scarborough and his wife Mika Brzezinski, running for 4 hours every weekday morning. Joe was once a conservative Republican, but then caught the highly contagious Trump Derangement Syndrome virus, as did Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan,