Anonymous ID: a07405 July 23, 2024, 9:33 a.m. No.21275973   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why are airplanes allowed to fly directly over my house where I can see the windows on the plane, and see the landing lights and landing gear, and the airplanes are flying over MY airspace, and the airlines pay me nothing to do so?

Shouldn't they pay me to use My property?

At what elevation do my property rights end?

The noise from their engines are so loud that if I am talking to someone, we have to wait for the plane to pass in order to be able to hear each other.

And if we are in the flight pattern, a plane flies overhead every 5 minutes or less for hours on end.

But the CEO of Boeing makes 34 million dollars a year.

Bet he doesn't live in any flight paths.