Anonymous ID: da8c47 July 23, 2024, 10:36 a.m. No.21276384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6398 >>6525 >>6623 >>6764 >>6950 >>7105 >>7176

Top 30 Reasons Kamala Harris Would Be A Terrible President


The powers that be decided this week that despite her disastrous approval numbers and long history of unpopularity among Democrat voters, Vice President Kamala Harris will take President Joe Biden’s place as the blue party’s presumptive 2024 candidate.


Here are 30 reasons why Harris, whether through Biden’s resignation or the upcoming election, would make a terrible president.


  1. She Covered Up Biden’s Cognitive Decline

  2. She’s Sympathetic to Pro-Hamas Demonstrators

  3. She Refuses to Oppose Abortion Until Birth

  4. She Shirked Her Duties as Border Czar

  5. She Also Put Other Countries’ Borders Before Her Own

  6. She Knowingly Spread the Border Patrol Whipping Lie

  7. She’s Wildly Unpopular

  8. And Disliked by Her Staff

  9. She’s out of Touch

  10. She’s a Bad Speaker

  11. She Praised the Persecution of Lifesaving Pregnancy Centers

  12. She Supported Bailing Out 2020 Rioters

  13. She Dodges Questions About Defunding the Police

  14. She May Have Plagiarized Her Go-To Childhood Story

  15. She Supports Race-Based Wealth Redistribution

  16. She’s a Gun Grabber

  17. She Wants to Raise Taxes

  18. She Wants to Ban Fracking

  19. She Voted Against Protections for Born-Alive Babies

  20. She Wants to Strip Americans of Their Health Insurance

  21. Yet She Wants Taxpayer-Funded Health Care for Illegal Border Crossers

  22. She Proudly Enabled the Jussie Smollett Race Hoax

  23. She Socializes With Notorious Antisemites

  24. She Demanded Twitter Deplatform Trump

  25. She Sponsored Legislation That Would Codify Abortion Through All Nine Months

  26. She Compared Border Security to the KKK

  27. She’s Into AOC’s Socialism

  28. She’s Openly Anti-Catholic

  29. She Aided the Character Assassination of Brett Kavanaugh

  30. She Prosecuted Journalists for Doing Their Jobs


As California attorney general, Harris prosecuted journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for exposing Planned Parenthood for trafficking the body parts of aborted babies. Part of her prosecution involved a raid on Daleiden’s house, where investigators allegedly seized footage further implicating the abortion giant and handed it over to Harris’ abortion campaign donors.

Anonymous ID: da8c47 July 23, 2024, 10:44 a.m. No.21276450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6623 >>6950 >>7105 >>7176


BREAKING: Another overnight poll, this time from Quinnipiac, shows Trump and Harris TIED among Hispanics at 39%.


Context: This would be the worst performance ever for Democrats with Hispanics, even lower than John Kerry's record low of 53% in 2004.

Anonymous ID: da8c47 July 23, 2024, 11:03 a.m. No.21276552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6623 >>6636 >>6950 >>7105 >>7176

Poll: Just 37% Say Kamala Harris Should Be Democrat Nominee


Just 37 percent of respondents said Vice President Kamala Harris should be the Democrat nominee in place of President Joe Biden, a YouGov survey taken July 21, the day President Joe Biden announced that he is not seeking reelection, found.


The survey asked, “Who should Democrats nominate as their new candidate for president?”


Just 37 percent, overall, said that Democrats should nominate Vice President Kamala Harris. Over one-third, 35 percent, said “someone else,” and over a quarter, 27 percent, said they are “not sure.”


Independents are not in favor of Harris, as a plurality, 36 percent, said the Democrat nominee should be “someone else.” Another 30 percent said it should be Harris, and 34 percent are “not sure” as well.


Notably, 60 percent of Democrats said Harris should be the nominee, but another 40 percent total either think it should be someone else or they are not sure. Of that 40 percent, 21 percent said it should be “someone else,” and 19 percent remain unsure.


The survey was taken among 2,048 U.S. adults.


YouGov also asked respondents that same day if they even approve of Biden’s decision not to seek reelection, and a majority, 71 percent, said they either strongly or somewhat approve. Among Democrats specifically, 70 percent either strongly or somewhat approve as well.


They survey comes as major Democrat players begin to rally behind Harris after Biden threw his support behind her.


“My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President,” Biden said after his initial announcement, praising it as the “best decision I’ve made.”


“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”


Other major Democrats have since come out in support of Harris, including North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Hillary Clinton, who described Harris as a “brilliant prosecutor.”