Anonymous ID: 7b1212 July 23, 2024, 7:53 p.m. No.21280188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0191

If you really want in the heads of the Dems right now.


There is still a month until the dem conv.


That is a long time.


They know Kneepads isn't going to be able to withstand the scrutiny that is about to take place into her life but optically speaking they can't be seen to skip over a black woman who historically speaking due to to being VP is next in line for support from the party.


I think they are going to use these early moments of the month to attempt to show that they are attempting to gin up support for Kneepads but in reality they will use this month to leak her kompromat across the globe. Then they will rally support for a candidate shortly before the convention. This isn't about Kneepads, these are professional confidence men/women and she just doesn't have the talent to pull off the con for 4 years and they know it. Have no choice but to pull something over the course of this month to make her unelectable. She has been hard to control in the past and after this shitshow with Brandon I think the Luciferians are looking for someone with a little more talent this go round.


If they do stick w Kneepads the 45 team should put half their campaign money behind C Owens. Owens is her kryptonite. Don't hate the JDV pick so far but if you go with him you risked making Kneepads a slightly stronger candidate. That said, I could see Kneepads pushing Brandon out just to avoid facing JDV in a debate.


K SA has gone full Shang hai Coop Org recently, also had OPEC ditch dollar, though that was more or less announced in the Lon don '09 G20 Communique. Just took some time. 45 almost sold K SA on a new paradigm for the world. I think the whole planet is tired of getting a new set of rules dictated to them and promises broken with every new administration that takes office. Hard to blame them.

I said all of this to say, we all know full well interests w/in K SA and UK control Huss ein. Their transition into BRICS/SCO and maybe only EU keeps their coffers full and gives them access to a much larger population base with which to grow a new global economy to combat the previous paradigms interests(NATO/BIS). Trump's salesmanship and gravitas isn't going to do it this time, they are all bought into the new system, it won't be war but it'll be a lot of no's and maybe even some sanctions of thier own soon. I could care less. It'll force us to tri

ple down on domestic energy infrastructive as well as other important industries, form regional allies, and become more regionally focused. We have an enormous amount of domestic resources, foreign interests just wanted to destroy our country so they knew if we tapped it then our economy would boom and we ouldn't be reliant on any allies if we so wished. So they developed Climate Change initiatives to give them an outlet to stall our domestic production capability until they could overtake us and reap the benefits. Us being forced to commit to domestic production is a blessing in disguise.


Dem s keep us in Ukr aine. Why are they doing this?


To bleed US assets until a curveball gets played and their manufactured chaos/World War pops off. Certain interests who have held power for generations would rather cause chaos and pick up the pieces as opposed to admitting defeat and admitting they're not gods.