Not very transparent anymore are they?
>The liberals and Palestinians have totally different worldviews.
It's a trick, Anon. Liberals have no clue they're used as meat shields for a certain sub-group of our species, no one is allowed to question, nor criticize. You didn't actually think the whole transgender movement was organic, did you? The Golems rebelled against their masters. It's fine, though. the Golems on the other side are still under control.
>>21280786 (me)
See? Nabib is so poor I had to add 2 "r's" for free.
He was born in. Family was too. I'm beginning to suspect his house was a CIA front house. Notice they're not talking to the "neighbors?" There's a single interview with someone who "knew" him at school. Is this another CIA farm area like the one that surrounds Comet Pizza in DC?
Kek. Thanks, Anon. o7
>Who is Hooper?