Panic without the time warp but I figured it out HA! Special thks to the bakers ;)
Which one HA!
The fact that it says part of a ongoing human trafficking investigation says volumes …that says to me they got her on more then just touching 3 vice detectives..that’s just the part they released
Computer access in a cell?
D Mode …god has a sick sense of humor and when I die I expect to find him laughing…remember that song
I can’t be the only anon who’s read of the click and drops say Q don’t post tell 14-15…..maybe I’ve read it wrong but 4-14 is blackout….guess we’ll see
Here comes ms baloney
Say the year Ms Baloney…2006?
Wouldn’t that be the “Mieller” investigation he can’t respond to??
Think I’ve figured out why their fighting so hard to release the closed testimony …so Lisa P can see it !
Soap! Because we’re CLEAN! Musta been in the soap and body wash aisle ….except that won’t get the stink off him!
Yup! I loved the uh oh attitude “they” had !
Before they can even RUN!
It’s a secret ..I could tell you but….,,, how did you?