Roy: Is it true that in December of 2016, former Director Comey lowered the passing standards for Phase 1, allowing an influx of previously unqualified applicants to continue in the hiring process who normally would have been stopped? Were standards changed? Phase 1? This is a specific part of the process. Were they changed in 2016?
Director Wray: I don't recall if they were changed in 2016, I started after that…since that time, we have made changes to various phases of the process, but none of them lowered the standards.
Roy: Are you familiar with the reporting that we more, "easily accommodate a larger pool of available applicants, the FBI Special Agent hiring standards have been relaxed and requirements measurably lowered", this according to a group of former agents who have testified about this, and written a report and submitted it to congress?
Director Wray: I am aware of the report, I don't know that I have read every detail of it…the claim that we have lowered our standards to be less selective and less competitive, is not accurate.
Roy: Do you believe these former agents are lying to congress when the submit a report to congress…are you saying that they are lying?
Director Wray: I am saying they are mistaken.