Anonymous ID: 67c944 July 24, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.21283929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3938 >>4028

Clay Travis


Jul 23 •2024


So manyDemocrat voting women, often married, thinkTrump is untrustworthybecause theybelieve he slept with side chicks. So now they are going to demonstrate how much they hate Trumpby voting for the actual side chick, Kamala Harris. It’s honestly amazing


Kamala has no kids of her own. Banged married guys for much of her life. Didn’t get married until she was fifty. And then married a divorced white lawyer.This is the avatar of womankind? Come on, this is insane.


I don’t care who you sleep with. Whatever. But the media has spent eight years telling us Trump allegedly sleeping with Stormy Daniels is a monstrously important aspect of his character and fitness for office.How can they ignore Kamala banging Willie Brown, the married mayor?


This is so spot on!(See how big my mouth is, I'm really good at my job. Watch out for the teeth though.)

Anonymous ID: 67c944 July 24, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.21284315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4327 >>4342 >>4426 >>4472 >>4501 >>4593

Could Kamala Harris' inappropriate laughter and 'word salads' be symptoms of a little-known psychological condition?

By CHRIS POLLARD UPDATED: 11:51 EDT, 22 July 20241/2KEK


Kamala Harris's rambling 'word salad' speeches may be a symptom of a little-known but common psychological condition called logorrhoea — also known as verbal diarrhoea.


The US Vice President, who was endorsed by Joe Biden after he bowed out of the presidential race on Sunday, is known for her jumbled, sometimes incoherent speaking style. Some of her most infamous speeches have included ones about the 'significance of the passage of time' andthe 'need to get to go and need to be able to get where you need to go'.


A baffling anecdote about falling out of a coconut tree has also been a rich resource for internet meme-makers, and a study that analysed Ms Harris's speech during a vice presidential debateconcluded that 'social factors' were the most likely cause of her 'word salad' rambling.


Ratu Annisa of the University of North Sumatra said: 'The causes of the speech errors made by Kamala Harris are social factors, bothsituational anxietyand social circumstances.'


A 2009 study of the condition in Spain found the risk of logorrhoea was linked to level of schooling.Those with lower educational achievement were more likely to 'speak in circles'.


• It can be a symptom of anxiety or over-confidence, but logorrhoea can be no laughing matter — andmay indicate a brain injury, autism or serious condition, although there is no indication that Ms Harris suffers from these conditions.

• Logorrhoea is also associated with laughing wildly at random moments, something Ms Harris has become known for, with Donald Trump even nicknaming her 'Laughin' Kamala'.


American behavioural specialist Gregg Levoy wrote in a blog on Psychology Today that for people who ramble on and on, speech can become 'a barrier rather than a connector'. He wrote: 'It's easy to dismiss them as merely narcissistic, but this is immensely hard to undo and not necessarily their fault.


• 'It's a holdover from that original egocentric stage around one or two years old, when children naturally feel grandiose and at the centre of the universe.'

• But logorrhoea is also a common frontal lobe deficit that many traumatic brain injury survivors suffer, and is linked to several serious psychiatric and neurological disorders.

• These include schizophrenia, lesions on the brain, damage to areas of the brain that deal with language, and ADHD.

• People with autism may also display logorrhoea, defined as uncontrollable or jumbled talking, due to an inability to organise their thoughts or read social cues from other people.

Anonymous ID: 67c944 July 24, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.21284342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4426 >>4501 >>4593



Ms Harris became tongue-tied during a speech about 'expanding access to transportation' at the White House in July 2022. She said: 'You need to get to go, and you to be able to get where you need to go, to do the work and get home.'


The same year, she made a widely-mocked speech about high-speed internet in Louisiana, saying:'The Governor and I and we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time.

• 'The significance of the passage of time.

• 'So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs.

• 'And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children.'


Ms Harris's preoccupation with time raised its head again last April at a political event on reproductive rights.

• She told attendees: 'I think it's very important…for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualise it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future.'


Last March, she asserted that, during Women's History Month, 'we celebrate and wehonour the women who made history throughout history, who saw what could be unburdened by what had been.'

• On at least two occasions, she has spoken of her baffling love for Venn diagrams, a simplistic illustration that uses overlapping circles to show the relationship between two or more sets of items.

• She said last year: 'I just love Venn diagrams. I really do, I love Venn diagrams. There’s just something about those three circles and the analysis of that, where there’s the intersection, right?'


And last year, she uttered hermost famous meaningless statementat a swearing-in ceremony at the White House.

• 'My mother used to — she would give us a hard time sometimes, and she would say to us, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?” she said, laughing. 'You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.'


On Sunday night, after 81-year-old Biden announced that he was stepping down from the presidential race and endorsing Ms Harris,the coconut tree comment went viral online.

• A Washington bar started offering $5 'Pina Kamala' coconut shots all night.

• And Hawaii senator Brian Schatz posted a picture of himself climbing a coconut tree with the words: 'Madam Vice President, we are ready to help.'

• Republican strategist Matt Whitlock has previously accused Ms Harris of being unable to speaking 'normally'.

• He posted: 'It’s pretty striking that she is simply incapable of speaking normally. Is she actually smoking weed before grabbing the mic? It would explain so much.'


And Laura Ingram, from Fox News, said:'While Joe is slipping into dementia, Kamala is slipping into a different dimension.'

Anonymous ID: 67c944 July 24, 2024, 12:41 p.m. No.21284493   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This really makes me believe all the denying Mikey won't be running for pres, seems like they are holding out for him. This time they can both be men. or switch sexes

Anonymous ID: 67c944 July 24, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.21284552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4608


24 Jul, 2024 16:11

F-16s to stay away from front lines – Ukraine’s top general

Russia has “superior aviation” and “very strong” air defenses, General Aleksandr Syrsky has told the Guardian


Ukraine’s western-donated F-16 warplanes are likely to be vulnerable to Russia’s “superior” aviation and air defenses, when they are finally deployed, Kiev’s top military commander, Colonel General Aleksandr Syrsky, has told the Guardian.


The aircraft will likely be used to strengthen Ukraine’s air defenses, the general stated, admitting that their use would still be limited. The fighter jets would have to stay at least “40 kilometers or more” from the front lines to avoid being shot down by Russian forces, he said in an interview with the British daily published on Wednesday.


According to Syrsky, Moscow has “superior aviation” and “very strong” air defenses that have forced Kiev to increasingly rely on various types of drones instead of aircraft. The general also admitted that the Russian army is bigger and much better equipped than that of Ukraine. “When it comes to equipment, there is a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 in their favor,” he said.


Kiev has yet to receive its first US-made military aircraft. Last year, a group of NATO nations, including Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Sweden, formed the so-called ‘F-16 coalition’. It was later joined by Greece, the US, Bulgaria, and France.


Some of the coalition members pledged to provide Kiev with the Western aircraft from their stocks while others trained Ukrainian pilots. The outgoing Dutch government stated earlier in July that it had finalized preparations for the delivery of its F-16s, adding that it would take place “soon.” Amsterdam vowed to send a total of 24 aircraft.


Russia has repeatedly stated that the ever-increasing level of support that NATO states extend to Kiev makes them de-facto participants of the ongoing conflict. The nation’s top officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have described the Ukraine conflict as a proxy war waged by the bloc against Russia.


Moscow has said that F-16s will not change the outcome of the conflict, just like other Western weapons provided to Kiev. TheRussian military will destroy the planes as it has done with other Ukrainian hardware, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier this year.


A private Russian company even offered a bounty of 15 million rubles ($170,000) for the destruction of the first US-made aircraft in the conflict.


(Russia knows where all Ukraine hangars and landing strips are, it's a waste of money to send them, virtue signaling with billion dollar planes, so woke)

Anonymous ID: 67c944 July 24, 2024, 1 p.m. No.21284608   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Russia loves their videos, they are impressive

24 Jul, 2024 15:17

WATCH Russian missile blow up Ukrainian military HQ

An Iskander rocket destroyed a command-and-control center in Krasny Lyman, also taking out numerous drones, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said


Russia has conducted a powerful missile strike on a Ukrainian military headquarters in Donbass, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said, releasing footage of the attack.


In a statement on Wednesday, the ministry said Moscow’s forces had destroyed the command-and-control center of the Ukrainian 63rd Separate Mechanized Brigade in Krasny Lyman. The town lies around 30km northeast of the strategic regional city Slavyansk, an important logistics hub which is now in the rear of the front line.


The strike was conducted with an Iskander-M short-range ballistic missile and destroyed the personnel inside the HQ, as well as two drone command-and control vehicles, ten UAVs, more than 300 FPV drones, an antenna mast device, and three all-terrain vehicles, according to Russian officials.


The video released by the ministry shows aerial footage of several houses in the settlement, one of which is seen being struck by a rocket, sending a shockwave in all directions and a plume of smoke into the air.

The roof of one of the buildings – which the ministry said was the drone control station – was set ablaze and several Ukrainian military vehicles can be seen pulling up beside it.


Source: The Russian Ministry of Defense

Russia routinely uses hypersonic Iskander missiles – which can carry a 700kg payload up to 500km – to pound Ukrainian targets, including those far from the front line. Earlier this week, the Defense Ministry released a video purporting to show a successful missile strike on a facility in Kharkov Region, which it said housed Western “instructors and mercenaries,” around 50 of whom were killed in the attack.


Russia has repeatedly warned that it considers foreign military personnel and equipment used by Ukraine to be “legitimate targets.” At the same time, Moscow maintains that it only targets military facilities and not civilians.


(Do you ever notice they hardly talk about ground troops anymore, and rarely does Ukraine fight back, except for dropping bombs on civilians. What a strange war.)

Anonymous ID: 67c944 July 24, 2024, 1:04 p.m. No.21284630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

24 Jul, 2024 15:17

Russia could use manure for crypto mining – research

Recycling organic waste to generate electricity is a way to power the energy-intensive process, scientists say


Recycling manure from farm animals could help generate an electric power surplus for mining cryptocurrency in Russia, the press service of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) told on Tuesday, citing a study published by its research laboratory.


The process of recycling organic waste involves the installation of anaerobic digestion systems on farms and capturing methane gas emitted from manure decomposition, according to RANEPA scientists.


This captured methane could then be used to generate electricity, part of which could be of use for the needs of the farm, while the rest could power the energy-intensive process of Bitcoin mining.


The author of the study, Sodnom Budatarov, believes that cryptocurrency mining will not only recoup the costs of purchasing and operating recycling equipment, but will also facilitate investing in digital assets.


In addition, cryptocurrencies could be used in foreign trade transactions, particularly in light of Western sanctions pressure and the inability to sell or buy the necessary equipment, services, and goods.


“The creation of green mining infrastructure should begin with pig and poultry factories, where a fairly homogeneous mass of waste or by-products is continuously generated in large quantities,” Budatarov told


“The economic feasibility of green mining is that the cost of producing one kW / hour is lower than from a regular electrical ‘socket’, or at least equal to it. However, this electricity is an in-house product, part of which can be used for production needs, and the excess – for mining cryptocurrency as a product with high added value,” Budatarov elaborated, adding that “The estimated payback period for green mining will be from 1.5 to 3 years.”


On Wednesday, the Russian State Duma passed a bill in its first reading to legalize cryptocurrency mining in the country. The legislation outlines that the government, in cooperation with the Central Bank of Russia, will establish regulations for individuals and legal entities engaged in digital currency mining. The Ministry of Digital Development will oversee compliance with these requirements. Additionally, the government retains the authority to prohibit mining activities in specific regions or territories.


In this regard, RANEPA scientists have proposed to supplement the law on mining with provisions legalizing the activities of enterprises mining cryptocurrency based on electricity obtained from the processing of organic waste.