Russia. Release it all like Ron Jeremy working with Tracy Lords. That shit needs to be everywhere and stick to everything it touches.
The truth will make so much more sense. The world will wake at once, and they won't like who woke them.
Russia. Release it all like Ron Jeremy working with Tracy Lords. That shit needs to be everywhere and stick to everything it touches.
The truth will make so much more sense. The world will wake at once, and they won't like who woke them.
You are the reason I attend these meetings. Don't stop, keep me laughing.
Man I wish I could tell you who I am, but, that's left up to you. All of you must tell me who I am for this to work.
How in the fuck did you get that picture? Do you realize how rare a full-suspension bike was back in the day before mono-shock suspension? I had the only bike for about five miles or more with shocks, and I kicked ass in jumping competitions. This made me smile.
My father's whistle, and the bell on his house (yes, he had a bell on the top roof ridge)overrode the street lights. If we heard either, we hauled ass home.