Anonymous ID: eee801 July 24, 2024, 4:47 p.m. No.21286431   🗄️.is 🔗kun


100% Biblical


Library of Congress


This is the true map of the flat stationary earth by a Syrian-American Professor, JOHN G. ABIZAID.

I have published this map to reveal the true posture of the earth.

FIrsT, to help the people in recognition of the fact that the earth is flat and does not move.

SECOND, so that the young

people in schools and in higher positions may have the benefit of the truth.

There are many proofs that the subject is true, as you will be sure to find in my book, "THE ENLIGHTMENT OF THE WORLD." The theory of the round and floating earth is false and you should not believe in it, as long as you yourself can see and feel that the earth is a plain object and is standing still and you will see that the sun, moon and stars are daily in motion. They arrive every day from the East to the West.

The sun's light progresses from the South advancing to the North and returns in one year. On account of the moving of the sun from the South to the North and return we get the four seasons. Namely: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

The surface of the earth is divided into five zones.


The North Center which is dark for six months and is lighted for six months. Sometime in the future there will be some explorer who will cress it.

SECOND: The North Temperate Zone is the

most desirable to live in.

The most industrious and the most

powerful nations inhabit this zone.

THIRD: The Torrid Zone

(Tropics) is hot daily as the sun is over it always. The sun's body does not move out of this zone to a very great extent.

FourTH: The South Temperate Zone has about the same climate as the North Temperate Zone.

FIrTH: The South Circle is dark

and icy like the North Center, but no one can ever cross this circle as it is the edge of the earth and is dangerous to life. The South Circle is the largest of the five zones, also the nights are longer when the sun is moving near the South Circle, but when the sun moves near the North Center the night is about eight hours in the North Temperate Zone, and the North Center is lighted for six months.

This is a proof that the north is not like the south in

shape, neither the south like the north.

If the earth was round, as some people imagine, the shape of the North Pole and the South Pole would be exactly the same.

Then the North Pole and also the South Pole would have six months of darkness and six months of light. Also the sun takes more time to move around from East to West near the South Circle.

Take a journey around the South Circle and another around the North Center and you will find it a much shorter distance around the North Center, which proves that the North and the South are not the same shape as people claim. After you have studied the truth of my work you will know I am right.

If any-

one desires more explanation I will be pleased to give it.




Anonymous ID: eee801 July 24, 2024, 5:40 p.m. No.21286872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6958 >>7022



Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST President in the history of the United States - it’s NOT EVEN CLOSE.

Him & Kamala allowed MILLIONS of people to invade our country.

Our country is a disaster, AND IT’S ALL THEIR FAULT!

If he had an ounce of humility, HE’D UNDERSTAND HE'S UNFIT TO SERVE…

But now Kamala Harris is poised to continue his path of destruction.

Shadow Billionaires just unfroze TENS of MILLIONS of dollars to bankroll her campaign!

Before my end-of-month fundraising deadline, I’m calling on TEN MILLION Pro-Trump patriots to chip in and say:



Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States