Anonymous ID: ce4381 July 25, 2024, 5:13 a.m. No.21289539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Leak Reveals More About Why Obama Hasn't Endorsed Harris


Ever since Joe Biden was pressured out of the 2024 race by the Democratic elite and caved to the pressure, many of the Democrats have been jumping on the Kamala Harris bandwagon.


But not Barack Obama.


Now there's a new report that explains why Obama isn't endorsing Harris — because he doesn't think she can beat former President Donald Trump, "according to a source close to the Biden family." Fascinating leak from the Biden side dishing the dirt on Harris.


“Obama’s very upset because he knows she can’t win,” the Biden family source told The Post.


“Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”


“When you are running for president there are things you can and can’t say.” [….]


But the source doesn’t have high hopes for a TV debate between Trump and Harris. When Biden was still in the race, a second debate was scheduled for September 10.


“Wait until the debate… She can’t debate. She’s going to put her foot in her mouth about Israel, Palestine, Ukraine. She’s going to say something really stupid,” the source said.


“Obama knew this was going to happen, Joe knew this was going to happen. Now she is going to have to answer real questions.”


There are some who believe that the endorsement of Harris by Biden was actually an effort to get back at Obama and the effort to shove Biden aside. Obama suggested having a "choice" in his statement about Biden dropping out of the race.


But the Kamala pick undercut that whole idea. According to this "source," Obama is "furious" that things haven't gone his way.


After Biden’s ouster, Obama — who did not return a request for comment Wednesday — wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” when the Democratic National Convention is held next month, the source said. [….]


Another well-placed Democrat source said, “Obama being surprised by a smart political decision actually makes sense when coupled with his personal inability to see politics beyond his singular, immediate interests.


Hmm, I wonder who that "source close to the Biden family" is. Whoever is leaking this is leaking to hurt Kamala but maybe also to suggest here that Obama got outflanked by the incoherent Joe Biden or his team.


It's basically forcing Obama's hand, if this report is true, if he doesn't have others on board with whatever else he may have had in mind, given that most of the other leading Democrats have come out for Harris.


There's another report from NBC that Obama does plan to endorse her but just didn't want to "overshadow" Joe Biden's moment including his address. That doesn't make a lot of sense —that didn't stop any of the other Democrats. I think once you have the delegates go to her (although without any vote of the people), that forecloses other options, so you're sort of backed into a corner.


But we'll have to see. Right now, Obama not saying anything still looks like a pretty deafening silence.

Anonymous ID: ce4381 July 25, 2024, 5:44 a.m. No.21289605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Meet The ‘Veeps: Kamala Harris’s Running Mate Shortlist.



With Kamala Harris securing enough of Joe Biden’s delegates to become the presumptive 2024 Democratic presidential nominee, attention is now on her potential vice presidential picks. Following Biden’s announcement that he would not seek reelection, several Democrats quickly emerged as contenders.


Those under consideration include Governors Roy Cooper (D-NC), Josh Shapiro (D-PA), Andy Beshear (D-KY), J.B. Pritzker (D-IL), and Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI). Additionally, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, is a leading candidate favored by Harris.


While Harris’s 20-year public office record is well-known, the political positions of her potential running mates are less familiar. The National Pulse has compiled a primer on each candidate and their stances.



Elected as Governor of North Carolina in 2017, Roy Cooper, 67, is a strong contender for Kamala Harris’s running mate. An attorney by trade, Cooper served as the state’s Attorney General for nearly 16 years before becoming governor.


Cooper’s term-limited status and close relationship with Harris—who has visited North Carolina over a dozen times this year—fuel speculation about his selection. His candidacy could challenge the Republican electoral map by putting North Carolina in play, where Trump held a significant lead over Biden.


As governor, Cooper has focused on the opioid epidemic, earning a reputation as a moderate Democrat. However, his authoritarian COVID-19 lockdown orders and mask mandates contrast this view. In 2023, he expanded the state’s Medicaid program.


Cooper’s moderate image partly stems from his battles with a Republican-dominated state legislature, which overrode 23 of his 28 vetoes during his first two years in office.



Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, 51, is an emerging figure in national Democratic politics. Elected in 2022, Shapiro is relatively new to the political stage but served as Pennsylvania’s Attorney General from 2017 to 2023.


Viewed as a moderate Democrat, Shapiro has shown openness to school vouchers as governor, drawing criticism from the teacher’s union. In the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, he built a reputation as a bipartisan consensus builder.


However, Shapiro’s Jewish faith may hinder his vice presidential prospects, potentially alienating Muslim and Arab-American voters who abandoned Biden over his support for Israel against Hamas. The National Pulse has extensively covered this voter discontent.



Andy Beshear, son of former Kentucky governor Steve Beshear, is the state’s current governor. Often mislabeled as a political ‘blue dog,’ Beshear aligns more with the far left and progressives like Kamala Harris.


After taking office in 2019, Beshear fired all eleven members of the state’s board of education, replacing them with progressive ideologues who promote a DEI agenda. He is a strong advocate for abortion and gay marriage, in stark contrast to his father, who opposed gay marriage.


Beshear’s progressive stance extends to crime and immigration. He opposes tougher penalties for shoplifters, supports leniency for minor defendants in violent gun crimes, and keeps Kentucky in the federal refugee resettlement program.



J.B. Pritzker, heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune, is the current Governor of Illinois. He secured a second term in the 2022 mid-terms. Pritzker champions progressive causes, including abortion and gender ideology, influenced by his transgender sibling, Jennifer Pritzker.


In 2019, he signed the Reproductive Health Act, criticized for permitting partial-birth abortions and denying fetuses “independent rights.”


Pritzker also promotes a lenient stance on crime, addressing racial disparities in traffic stops and eliminating cash bail in 2021, potentially allowing violent criminals to go free before trial.



As Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer‘s biggest claim to fame is a 2020 plot ‘thwarted’ by the FBI in which individuals plotted to kidnap her. However, after at least two attempts, several of the alleged plotters were acquitted of their crimes as evidence emerged that they were pushed towards the plot by an FBI informant—meaning the federal law enforcement agency entrapped them.


An unabashed progressive, Whitmer has expanded pro-abortion and transgender policies and relaxed educational standards. She has closed numerous oil and gas facilities, focusing on green energy initiatives. Additionally, Whitmer supports open borders, expanding refugee resettlement programs, and canceled the sale of a state prison intended for use as an illegal immigrant detention center….moar at url