Wikipedia editing out jewish connections.
>>2128478 (LBS)
> to borrow a phrase from Bacon, I mean, "Shakespeare".
THIS anon gets it!
>The little shit is so fucking annoying
>So he wants Lisa Page to know all the questions ahead of time. WHAT A DIRTY FAGGOT
Ah, the grilling is televised…kek. She's probably watching with popcorn. WAS there closed door testimony they want to leak? KEK probably. I'm not watching live so I could be…slow.
REPOSTING for discussion
Personally I don't feel that anyone elected to serve in house or senate should be able to take office until they pass a horrific invasive background check from every angle. THEN on top of that each person serving on THIS particular committe should never be able to serve without MORE background checks. PERIOD. THIS move more than anything else would help keep Congress clean. Then they must submit to a seeriusly invasive security check every two years to ensure they are still clean. And I mean INVASIVE….every banking record, every donation, everything with the highest power microscope there is. From DRUG TESTING to medical exams.
WE THE PEOPLE need to ask for this, we deserve to be served by the best.
What do you all think? SHOULD we push for this?
>The day after my post on May 20th, they removed the word JEWISH.
>Here's the page as it was on May 21st:
THIS just proves how closely (((THEY))) are watching and how fucking terrified they are. Excellent proofs Anon.
Stormie's charges dismissed
>What would happen to a field agent having an extramarital affair with a co worker?
In the military it used to be grounds for discharge, and most certainly an ethics investigation.
>Been looking for my good friend Q. I'm sure he would love to comment on Strzok. Has anyone seen him?
OMG, (((EVERYBODY))) knows Q can't find the bread because "catalog"…/s
>Does anyone know if there's a livestream of the Protests in London?
If they're are as successful as the protests in Brussles the other day (only a few dozen showed, they were expecting thousands)…there won't be much to see.