The Jewish Mafia Became Murder, Inc. – Became The CIA
Born in 1882, Arnold Rothstein was the racketeer crime boss of the Jewish Mafia in New York. He was the organized crime boss, fixed the 1919 World Series, and mentored Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Frank Costello, and Bugsy Seigel. An Ashkenazi replant from Russia, Rothstein was immortalized in the Great Gatsby. He was credited with turning thuggish organized crime rackets into ‘big business’ which thrives today under the pseudonym Murder, Inc – or more affectionally, the CIA & Mossad. While America focused on the Sicilian mob, the Jewish mob owned the Sicilians yet was given less attention despite it being a Mob Colony.
In the day – horse races were fixed, ball games were fixed, and anything that could be a betting mans win – was fixed. Prohibition brought out the menials and the big wigs. Today we call it politics. Rothstein ruled the world of gangsters and became known as ‘the Brain’, ‘the Big Bankroll’. He created the money laundering scheme of rolling his criminal profits into legitimate enterprises – Las Vegas.
It was also through this Jewish gangland cartel that the Mexico Drug Trade originated.
Seigel was transferred from New York to LA to establish the drug trade route between their guys in Mexico City to LA and finally to Chicago. Their money made headway in Hollywood including with studio executives – Mayer and Warner – thus solidifying the Jewish control over the biggest and wealthiest stars effectively absorbing Hollywood
In other words, since the late 1800’s the Jewish Mafia has been running America. This is NOT merely an Obama or Clinton endeavor – they are shills. They owned the politicians then just as they do now. Murder was Seigel’s greatest forte. Drugs, fixed sporting events, prostitution and pedophilia in Hollywood, every bootleg business known to man.
And ultimately they linked with Murder, Inc.
It was Lanksy and Seigel who joined forces to eliminate the Italian mob and take over the entire American territory under the Code name Murder, Inc.
In a declassified, sanitized copy of a report by Joseph Clark from 1954, he details the Code Name for Murder, Inc., was the CIA. At this point the communist Bolsheviks controlled the CIA.
Per the report, the CIA mob then began to expand their mob activities across the globe infiltrating countries, assassinating government officials and blowing up trains, bridges, warehouses, etc… to gain control of entire swathes of countries. Including the insertion of the Shah of Iran.
Why the CIA replaced the OSS is not readily conveyed – Truman stated … ‘because’. However, it appears, the OSS could have been a threat to Murder, Inc so the agency was eliminated and replaced with the Murder, Inc – CIA. Murder, Inc. is heavily implicated in the JFK assassination while deflecting blame on Cuba. The CIA admitted and lauded their greatness in overthrowing the governments of Iran, Guatemala, and Egypt with their next war front established to dethrone – the Soviet Union.
The CIA called these nations deserving of coups – “Freedom Forces”. Apparently, Freedom needed to be eliminated – according to the CIA. This is the basis of their creation and the basis of their entirety of function – to overthrow governments and maintain control over every country’s resources.
They are – MURDER, INC>