That's what Mile Mathis said- Lincoln was gay and faked his death!
soft disclosure, satanism
meybe you're new
see >>21292631
The Great Repatriation and unwilling states
The Great Repatriation: the return of non-Whites to their respective ethnic homelands, is the cornerstone of our policy agenda here at White-Papers. While we do not doubt that this can be accomplished, and have written extensively about states that could be our allies in this cause other states will, at least in the beginning, be opposed to any Great Repatriation project by White nations.
The United States classes countries that are unwilling to take back their citizens as recalcitrant states, while the European Union has termed them uncooperative countries of origin. Regardless of the terminology, nationalist (and other) policymakers will need a plan to force the numerous countries that refuse to take back their nationals and ethnic kin to do so.
Generally, nations are uncooperative by refusing to confirm the identity of their suspected citizens who have committed crimes or other offenses in Western states that wish to deport the individuals.
In this piece, we will outline several actions that policymakers can and should take to force recalcitrant, uncooperative, and reluctant states to cooperate. Many of these actions are policies that the American, European, and other governments understand are already at their disposal but for a variety of political reasons (mostly to do with favouring demographic replacement), they have chosen not to pursue these policies even when required by law to do so.