Anonymous ID: 6ea4c6 July 25, 2024, 5:25 p.m. No.21293647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

But you said something so interesting to me during the break, which is about how the platforms have withheld information, making it harder. So we can't even get this data. Now, I would not be able to do this same study today because Twitter has shut down access to its platform crowd tangle, which was how we listened to Facebook. And Instagram also doesn't exist anymore.


And that means that we can't follow the harm that is being done on these platforms and the way that the platforms are absolutely having a dereliction of duty and responding to it because of the political situation and how it's become difficult to do content moderation, it's no longer in favor.And people are worried that if Trump is president that they're going to find themselves on Capitol Hill or worse answering for having done the basic, you know, due diligence of democracy.


Nina is upset she cant use Crowdtangle anymore.