and thus obama is outted as a controlled and black mailed ex-power-broker.
this is the beginning of his end.
and thus obama is outted as a controlled and black mailed ex-power-broker.
this is the beginning of his end.
given the state of the world, and the fact of the 5 year or more civil war in France, it's just obscene that these olympics are proceeding.
Day One of 'Who really cares about pampered rich kid oligarch athlete children playing sports for trinket prizes?'
There was a whole year when OSS had banned EVERYONE who wasn't on TOR
many people left and never returned.
can anyone tell me if trying to load a Telegram ap is useful?
someone gave me some links and told me how wonderful it was with conservative content, but it seemed a bit much to download an ap and load it. any suggestions?
the ones who weep and wail about what they call 'our democracy' can't cotton to a popular vote of the hoi polloi