Well…all you A.I. fags are gonna like this..
https:// predictionio.apache.org
< CIA invested in Apache Spark (In-Q-Tel) Databricks
Can be used with machine learning cloud etc.
>Pic Related…is that a KEK?
Oh yeah. Hmm…almonds.
So obviously we have made the connection with Geronimo being Osama Bin Laden the leader of Al Qaeda.
< Bin Laden = Geronimo
< Al Qaeda = Apache
< Al Qaeda = CIA/FBI (rogues)
False Flag by Al Qaeda Sleeper Cell
Super bowl?
Obviously we have made the connection with Geronimo being Osama Bin Laden the leader of Al Qaeda.
< Bin Laden = Geronimo
< Al Qaeda = Apache
< Al Qaeda = C_A/F_I (rogues)
False Flag by Al Qaeda Sleeper Cell
>Now look at pic related
Big if true…here is more of the doc. Looking for source.
< Bin Laden = Geronimo
< Al Qaeda = Apache
< Al Qaeda = CIA/FBI (rogues)
False Flag by Al Qaeda Sleeper Cell
The US Military/US in general.