A little someThing I used on fb to help friends:
Pay attention. This may be my last chance to red pill you before system shock occurs. Drop all of your preconceived perceptions of what you think you know. Step outside the box and imagine this scenario:
What if? What if everything you have been told was a lie? Everything you thought to be absolute was a story made up to direct your path? What if you are being played?
What if a global cabal had infiltrated the US government? Posing as patriots elites were chosen to lead our government? Policies were initiated to slowly erode our constitution and rule of law?
What if, slowly over time, each department of the government was infiltrated with these same shills to do the biding of the globalist cabal? What if departments were weaponized and used against any real patriots to guarantee their global initiative would see fruition?
What if one election their plans didn’t account for the people being fed up with the status quo? What if the people shrugged off the lies and elected a candidate that was not chosen for them? Maybe they could elect a president that couldn’t be bought or controlled? But what if it wasn’t even about that President but instead the survival of our country?
How angry would the globalist be? How Could the people correct the course of their country against insurmountable odds?
What if these deep state operatives were directing a narrative against the chosen elected President to get him impeached so they could regain control?
But what if the military was assisting the president against this interior opposition? What if they had planned this out 3 years ago because the previous administration was dismantling the military and weakening our country?
What if all the secrets and lies fed to the American people by the mass media were laid bare for all to see?
What if it was more then conspiracy and treason? What if it was murder? Human trafficking? Worse?
How would America react? Could they handle knowing all of these things? How many people would ignore the truth and cling to the lies because the truth was too painful and the lie so comforting?
Can you imagine this scenario? What if all of these things I’ve told you were true? And what if the things I’ve just told you only scratched the surface of things about to be revealed?