I hope you realize what time you are living at in history. This year marks 70 years from the restoration of Israel as a nation. God says in the Bible He won't allow injustices to continue beyond 70 years. 70 years is also the time of a generation and there are prophecies that say this generation will not pass until all these things be fulfilled.
Lunar eclipse on Tu'B'Shevat which is also known as the New Year of the Trees, another Lunar eclipse on Tu'B'Shevat in one year on the same date as well. Bible prophecy talks about a fig tree starting to bloom and you know spring is nigh.
Bible talks about Ephraim receiving the Blessing and of Ephraim being a MULTITUDE OF NATIONS which is America. We are returning to our roots and to our God to show the World that He still REIGNS!
All connected.
Please pray for our President and the Q team as they discern the wisdom that they need to navigate the path ahead.