1812 - British invasion
1839 - First opium wars to soften Asia up by British.
1841 - British instigation of Mexican-American war due to desire for the territories.
1854 - British used Americas power et al to force Japan to open up.
1856 - Second opium war as part of long term British takeover of China strategy.
1860 - British backed confederacy through infiltration of masonic and KKK orgs to try to divide and conquer us. Russian Tsar sent fleets to protect us against British backed invasion. (an army was amassed on other side of mexican border. )
1890s - Spanish American war where British covertly armed and funded the US as an ally in a ploy to decrease the animosity Americans had for them. (Maine false flag)
Late 1800s through early 1900s - Some of the American Indian wars (most the east coast, Hudson bay ones) secretly backed by British.
1899 - Phillipine war triggered by British globalists Paris Treaty
1900 - Eight nation alliance against China as test of alliance style entanglement of US into war.
1909 - Normad Dodd indications that Cecil Rhodesian group planned to infiltrate our education system and state department in preperation for getting us into war, which King Edward the 7th setup by creating the triple entente. This is the primary place the Rothschild Zionist banking group comes in, because Edward the 7th gave gave zionist bankers access to the court (court jews) in exchange for profits.
1910 - Edward 7 dies unexpectedly, throwing small wrench in plans. Rhodesian/Rothschild group carries on. British backed Japanese annex Korea as part of coming propup of Russia/Korean enemy.
1913 - Woodrow Wilson elected on the promise of not taking us to war. His handler, Edward House, and his handler, Sir Earl Grey (yes the tea), manipulated him into the war.
1914 - WW1 starts as planned
1916/17 - America dragged into the war, while bankers funded Nazis and Bolshevik revolution (and killed the Tsar and his family in revenge for his father Alexander III thwarting the 1860 plan) British use likely false-flag Zimmermann Telegram to bring US into WW1 on the heels of the Border war.
1939-45 - WW2 as continuation of WW1. British sought to make American losses great in the Pacific so at the end of the war there would be a balance of powers. (Brisbane line pushed by Churchil along with the island hopping strategy, which McArthur saw through and ignored, instead creating the leapfrog strategy, leading to the defeat of the Japanese at Guadalcanal.) Don't forget war plan red in which the US knew Britain might become an enemy.
1949 - British globalists used Kissinger et al to support Mao as the new communist enemy against the nationalist Chiang Kai-shek. British backed New york bankers and Harriman group funded Stalin as part of the coming cold war, intending for Stalin to push the north of China. One telling fact is that the British were one of the first nations to recognize Mao's government and started sending him supplies.
1950 - The British, looking to cut the US down since the Pacific play didn't work as well as intended, got the Korean war kicked off. The Harriman group pushed Truman into Korea, and they tried to setup McArthur by giving him inferior forces and supplies (likely in revenge for his thwarting of the pacific bleed-out strategy), but McArthur's strategic brilliance ended up winning despite him being setup to fail. Since instead of weakening the US, the "win" (hard to call it that with so many casualties), in Korea actually strengthened the US, the British started playing double and triple spy games in London to further foment the cold war. Using groups like the Cambridge 6 (everyone knows of the Cambridge 5, the 6th man was Victor Rothschild, and many more than just that), to leak information to the soviets as part of the strategy. (they were triples because, on the surface they were British agents, next layer they worked for KGB, but underneath both of those were working for the Monarchy and oligarchs, creating plausible deniability for the British.)