Anonymous ID: ca5000 Jan. 30, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.213336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3384 >>3803

Just a quick note. . .


When you hear the cabal using the term 'Red', its important to realize just how intimately tied they've been, historically speaking, to this color. Rothschild means 'red shield', the Red Cross is their corrupt toy, used for the most nefarious means imaginable.. to give two minor exapmles.


I wanted to touch upon one usage of the term I haven't heard mentioned often, one meaningful to me personally.


The largest loss of innocent life in human history was instigated by the Red bolsheviks' revolution, financed by the Rothschilds through the Schiff family (from whom Adam Schiff is descended), who ultimately killed tens of millions of non-combatants in the most brutal ways, including many of my Kulak relatives, whose only offenses were being German, Christian, and moderately successful (believing in hard work and simplicity). I can't even read first hand accounts of what was done to them any longer, I end up feeling so much anger. These atrocities never spawned a multi-billion dollar grievance industry, and you'll never see a single Hollywood blockbuster highlighting their plight. They suffered in stoic silence, and have been utterly ignored by our tastemakers in the modern age. The Red bolsheviks, financed to the tune of well over $1billion in today's money, robbed, raped, and murdered their way across Russia, like a loosely organized crew of bandits. Despite the best attempts of the White Russians who rose up against this foreign invasion (they truly saw this as an attempted Jewish takeover of the Russian nation), funding and resources inevitable won out, with devastating consequences that echo into the present.


Picture this backlash against white people, and/or all vestiges of western culture in general, continuing and becoming even more extreme. If you can't picture the most mentally conditioned element of our population being indoctrinated into acts of violence against those who believed in the nuclear family, or hard work and personal responsibility, or had a christian or conservative political and spiritual outlook, you're deceiving yourself. Our media completely controls the minds of a significant % of American's, and have taught them to feel a passionate HATE, to the point of feeling justified in lashing out. This is how it began previously, and history has a nasty habit of repeating itself.


The Trump phenomenon was a gift from God, one we may never fully understand… our last real chance to dodge this bullet, dragging us back, by hook or crook, to sanity… but we're far from out of the woods. They still control the money, the media, most economic and political structures across the western world. When the levee finally breaks, and this behind the scenes battle breaks out into the open, the number of people we've managed to drag back to sanity will be all important, and will literally dictate our future as a species. It's a question of freedom, or slavery, in a very literal sense… I used to think such statements were melodramatic, histrionics, exaggeration… I know differently now.