Anonymous ID: 441df3 July 26, 2024, 6:13 p.m. No.21300297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515

djt: women trafficking is a ancient crime. crime in venezvala is down 72%

anon just realised, if they traffic women, they use them to produce kids for the elites for sacrifice and pedophilia.


Nov 04, 2017 7:44:06 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: s4Iv8TW8 No. 147981354

Nov 04, 2017 7:13:27 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: GE433ksq No. 147977181








I Remember the phrasing not making sense, I was like "oh does he mean that dt took out the Clintons?" But the Clintons were on the list as remaining so I didn't know who was taken out


Very smart, Anon.

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…

Alice & Wonderland.


Anonymous ID: 441df3 July 26, 2024, 6:36 p.m. No.21300488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0500 >>0515 >>0540 >>0597 >>0775 >>0872 >>0883


Note:dough below to trump speech


LIVE: President Trump Keynotes TPUSA Faith's Believers' Summit in West Palm Beach 7/26/24


full video lenght is 5hr 2 minutes. with many speeches,

djt takes the stage at 3hrs and 44 minutes or 8.11pm on the rsbn time shown on video.

"We prayed that God would intervene… This is how God works: he takes the knife out of the hand of an angry teenager, and replaces it with a scapel to save lives." - Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson [Faith Believers' Summit]: If you look at the Congressional Record, January 10th, 1963, you will see that all of this stuff has been going on for decades…'The Forty-Five Goals of Communist in America', one of which was to gain control of the public schools and the teacher unions, so you could indoctrinate the kids. Gain control of Hollywood and the news media so that you can manipulate the people. Gain control of one or both political parties; we know which one. Make promiscuity and pornography common things. Make sexual perversion normal, natural, and healthy. Drive wedges between parents and children. Denigrate the role of the family. Change the function of the church, from the real Gospel to the social Gospel.


djt starts speech at 8.12pm

President Trump: We're gonna be talking a little about a wonderful things called religion tonight, is that okay? A little bit more than normal, and that's good. That's really good…I stand before you tonight thanks to the power of prayer, and grace of Almighty God.

President Trump: Today we're delighted to announce the launch of our new coalition, 'Believers For Trump'.

President Trump: She [Harris] was a bum three weeks ago. She was a bum. A failed vice president, in a failed administration, with millions of people crossing, and she was the 'Border Czar'. Now they're trying to say she never was the border czar. She had nothing to do with the border. She was the border czar. They're trying to take it; they're deleting it all over the place, because we have the worst border in history, and three and a half years ago, we had the best border that we've ever had

djt: They threatened him with the 25th amendment, i know as many people on their side as i do ours.

President Trump: Now we have a new candidate to defeat, the most incompetent, unpopular, and far-left vice president in American history, That's what she is; the most incompetent, but certainly the most far-left. Together, four months from now, we are going to defeat Kamala Harris, who, a short time ago, strongly fought to defund the police, in the radical-left democrat party. We're going to take back that very beautiful White House, and We're Going To Make America Great Again, guaranteed. And it going to go fast.

>>21299879 djt number comms. Qdrops 17 - 21 -23


Anonymous ID: 441df3 July 26, 2024, 6:37 p.m. No.21300500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0504 >>0515 >>0540 >>0597 >>0775 >>0872 >>0883


President Trump: If radical liberal, Kamala Harris gets in…Harris will appoint hundreds of extreme far-left judges to forcibly impose crazy San Francisco liberal values on Americans nationwide…she'll appoint hardcore marxists to the Supreme Court, to shred to Constitution and all of our religious liberties. She will do that absolutely. She will try as hard as she can to add as many justices as possible to the Supreme Court…she wants to pack the court, which is their number one agenda.

President Trump: Our task is to defeat socialism, to defeat marxism, communism, to defeat the cartels, and the criminals, and the human traffickers trafficking women, and that means defeating Kamala Harris in a landslide. We want a landslide this November

>>21299941 djt mentioned the knights of columbus, a catholic order - illegals charity aiding the immigrants.

President Trump: The radical-left ideology Kamala supports is really militantly hostile toward Americans of faith…as a senator, she viciously attacked highly-qualified judicial nominees, simply because they were members of the Knights of Columbus, suggesting that their Catholic Faith disqualified them from serving on the federal bench.

President Trump: Kamala Harris supports California's outrageous new law, trampling on parental rights, and allowing minors to change their gender without parental notification or consent…Harris wants to forcibly compel doctors and nurses against their will to give chemical castration drugs to young children…and she supports the Biden/Harris Title IX policy of forcing every public school in America to let men into women's and girl's locker rooms…as president I will protect the safety and well-being of America's children. I will defend the values of the American family, and above all, I will restore common sense to Washington, DC.

President Trump: Kamala stabbed Israel in the back in it's great hour of need. Two days ago, she refused to attend the speech in congress of the Prime Minister of Israel. She said, 'oh, I can't make it'. It was just a small group of people, but they couldn't make it, because that's her original thought. That's where she comes from. She doesn't like Jewish people. She doesn't like Israel. That's the way it is. And that's the way it's always going to be. She's not going to change. Together with Joe Biden, she gave billions and billions of dollars to Iran and Hamas to fund their campaigns of terror.

President Trump: Within days of the heinous October 7th attack on Israel Kamala Harris praised the anti-Israel protesters. You saw that, right? She praised them…and this week, many of those Kamala Harris supporters burned American Flags in the heart of our Nation's Capital, and desecrated our monuments…what's happening to these people that have done serious damage? Have they been arrested? Are they in jail now like the January 6th hostages?

President Trump: If Kamala Harris has her way, they will have a federal law for abortion to rip the baby out of the womb in the eighth, ninth month, and even after birth. Execute the baby after birth…these people are radicalized, and they're sick. They're sick people.

djt: i took a bullet for democracy, but i might have taken for their rhetoric, i might have taken it for their rhetoric.


Anonymous ID: 441df3 July 26, 2024, 6:40 p.m. No.21300515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540 >>0597 >>0775 >>0872 >>0883



President Trump: As soon as I take the Oath of Office, I will stop the Biden/Harris administration's weaponization of law enforcement against American's of faith, and against, frankly, their political opponent. No longer will their DOJ and FBI be allowed to target, persecute, or round-up Christians, or pro-life activists and throw them in jail for living out their religious beliefs….Americans of faith are not a threat to our country, Americans of faith are the soul of our country.

President Trump: From the moment I win the election, I will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who has been unjustly victimized by the Biden/Harris regime, so we can get them out of prison and back to their families where they belong. There's many of them out there.

President Trump: From the moment I win the election, I will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who has been unjustly victimized by the Biden/Harris regime, so we can get them out of prison and back to their families where they belong. There's many of them out there.

President Trump: [Harris] supports free government healthcare for illegal aliens, abolishing ICE, decriminalizing illegal immigration, mass-amnesty for illegals, banning fracking…she wants to outlaw private health insurers…she wants to defund the police, forcibly ripping guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.

President Trump: Every single city that's in turmoil and danger; you look at Chicago, and you look at all of the different cities all over the country; they're all democrat-run, every one of them, the top-twenty-five for crime

President Trump: I will secure our elections. Our goal will be, as I said, one-day voting with paper ballots, proof of citizenship, and a thing called Voter ID.

>>21300297 djt: women trafficking is a ancient crime. crime in Venezuela is down 72% Qdrop 72

President Trump: In four years, you don't have to vote again [non-voting Christians]; we'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote. just this time, get out and vote.

TRUMP-In 4 years you are not gonna have to vote again. We'll have fixed it so you don't have to vote

President Trump: America has always been a nation, one built and sustained by Americans of faith. It was faith that led the pilgrims to cross an ocean and settle this majestic continent. It was belief in Our Creator that led the patriots to defend their liberties, and the War for Independence. It was faith in America's God-given destiny that pushed the pioneers to journey west, and it was Trust in God that led generations of American believers to end slavery, defeat fascism and communism, and make this into the greatest and most exceptional nation in the history of the world.

djt: And we will make America Great Again

ends at 9.16pm hold on i'm coming

Anonymous ID: 441df3 July 26, 2024, 7:03 p.m. No.21300663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0711


no one was talking about the kikes

you bought them up

the talk was about the french

but of course you have jew brain worms buried deep into your brain like parasites

rent free.

keep going faggot,

tell anon about your college degree education.

and don't forget to add how you feel about it.

Anonymous ID: 441df3 July 26, 2024, 7:16 p.m. No.21300738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0811


>>21300711 ←this


Try again buttwad.

no one was talking to you.

you decided to brainfart your shit as shills always do.

you have a mental disease

anon does not give a fuck about division.

anyone who has committed crimes against children will be held accountable.

you must be a new shill.

now either admit you are a stupid faggot or you get the filter.