>This board is not anti-Semitic.
>There are however actors who attempt to make it look so.
Kek. Yeah and the actors are fucking Jewish, Moran.
>This board is not anti-Semitic.
>There are however actors who attempt to make it look so.
Kek. Yeah and the actors are fucking Jewish, Moran.
>Case in point.
Kek. Exactly. The woman calling this place muh "Blood Libel" (tm) is Jewish. I'm not said woman.
>> what happened to the dude that went into the pizza place?
Kek. Gross.
>States' "marriage" to the state of Israel.
That's Ben Kardosky, AKA Ben Cardin (Senior Senator - Md). Ignore the fact that he's kosher. It's merely a coincidence.
I pointed it out (pb) who was sending the hand comms. See: >>21300318
>What the hell does that mean. It's sickening to see.
Cardin is Jewish, Anon. He's also a Zionist. He's signaling to BiBi. Remember AIPAC is bribing or blackmailing over 95% of Congress.
>Q became an explicitly Anti Semitic board the second that Q put Rothschild at the center.
Kek. Nice try, Rabbi.
>Looked as though he wanted him dead. What sort of person does that,.
Anon, Judaism is a supremacist, religious ideology. They believe they are "Chosen" (tm) above all non-Jews, the rest of us being "Goy" or "animals" (tm) in human form meant to serve the Jews. BiBi was to bring in the Moshiach, the Jewish Kwisatz Haderach, who will help capitulate non-Jews to Jewish rule.
Kek. This is actually a game model, for a projection I was working on for keks. This was my prototype for the Ninjews.
Keks in Huttese
>I denounce all of the Abrahamic religions
>freedom of religion is meant provide freedom from religion
Wording matters, Anon. The Constitution explicitly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." All that means is Congress will not create any laws acknowledging any religion, at any time.
Except they do it all the time. Specifically for the Jewish religion. Granting special protections to a religious group via law, is recognizing that religion, which is a violation of the 1st amendment. There is no, nor can there ever be "one national religion" for America and Congress is actuallyprohibitedfrom creating laws which will recognize religious ideology. They knew it was a danger, which is why they were trying to keep it out of Congress. Our forefathers basically said "Keep that shit in your own house." Guess which sub-group of our species, who reside in America decided that didn't apply to their religious ideology?
>Cracks me up how you think Congress is in control of anything.
At what point did I say verbatim in toto, "Congress is in control," Anon?
Kek. Here, Anon. You'll probably find some use and keks out of this. Made it earlier, to mock one of the Krassensteins.
>many of the elite childern are put into a hunger games and made into victims.
The scuttlebutt was always that if you have more than one child, one is selected to be "Chosen" and the rest are passed around to the other members. If they survive, great. If not, well, we all know what happened to Anderson Cooper's brother.
>Star Wars is beat and I'm tired of it.
>It never was that good in the first place.
Kek. Martial Arts movies are better.
Kek. I raughed.
>sum ting wong wif her teef